Cheat Left 4 Dead 2

L4d2 Cheats Gameplay Versus Single Player 2012 Youtube

Left 4 Dead 2 Cheats

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Jak Attack

    Chapter 2

    In Chapter 2 of the Passing, when you get to the bar with pool tables, where there is a staircase to your left and a room to your right, go into the room and on one of the walls it says: Otis, Out of film, helicopters not coming Zombies too fast. Not gonna make it. Frank West

    Any player of Dead Rising will recognize Otis as the annoying janitor, and Frank West as the protagonist of Dead Rising.

    • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Fudge Muffin 12

      Versus Mode

      Tips on killing the survivors: 1. Spawning--Spawning in the right spot is key. Some infected are better in front of the group and some are better behind. At the start of a level it may be best to spawn in the Safe Room after the survivors leave. 2. Kill stealing--Never steal a kill. If someone has trapped a survivor than do not take that kill. Infected than can steel kills are: Jockey (only from Smoker) Hunter (from anything but a Charger), Charger, Boomer (when it stands too close and explodes), Smokers (only from a Jockey), and a Tank. 3. Team work--Coordinate your attacks, talk with one another. 4. Stay Hidden--If you are wait to ambush or are recharging than hide. You would be surprised on how well you stick out. 5. Car alarms--Get near a car with an alarm. Sometimes they miss you and hit the car. 6. Fire--Fire hurts. A lot. You will burn until you die. Stop, drop and roll will not help you. 7. Ambush--A well timed and planed ambush usually takes them out quick. 8. Boomer--The Boomer has very little hit points. Hide and ambush, do not charge. A fat zombie can only run so fast. If you puke than say around the survivors, if you explode than you will coat them in that dripping fluid that the common infected just love. Do not stand too close to a survivor that is pined. If you get shot than the explosion frees the survivor. The Boomer is better spawned in the front. 9. Charger--The charger is fast, strong, and powerful. Before you hit RT to charge, tail behind the target to insure a good hit. A Charger will carry a survivors until it hits something or runs out of energy. It can also hit more than one survivor. The first is pined and the rest fly in the air. If you are playing a map with a cliff than a Charger can hit a survivor off the cliff causing suicide and an instant kill. Even if you miss as the Charger it can hit hard by pressing LT. A Charger is better in the front. 10. Hunter--A Hunter can leap in the air and pounce a survivor. To leap far aim up. A Hunter can hit hard but does not have much hit points. It can also pounce on uncompensated survivors. A Hunter us better on high ground or behind. 11. Jockey--The Jockey can jump on a survivor and carry him or her. Use it to carry a survivor into an acid patch or away from the group. Do not carry it into fire; the fire will do more damage to you than the survivor. You can also carry a savior off a cliff. This will kill you but it will incorporate the survivor. A Jockey is better in the back. 12. Smoker--A Smoker will lash its long tong at a survivor and drag them away. They can hide on roof tops and still snag a kill. Smokers are best on roof tops or in the back. 13. Spitter--The Spitter can launch a lump of acid that forms a large puddle that cause major damage. Use it to spit on survivors that are pinned, uncompensated or on small walkways to from chock points. If you die than a small puddle of acid will form. Use that to your advantage. A Spitter is better on higher ground or in front.

      14. Tank--The Tank is the Chuck Norris of the Zombie World. It has massive hit points and damage. A healthy survivor can run faster than a tank though. Do not let them surround you, do not chase a healthy survivor in an open area, and do not smack a teammate’s victim. A Tank can throw chunks of concrete at saviors but it takes time. A Tank can smack a survivor off a cliff causing an instant kill or smack a car on a survivor causing incapacitation. If you do not attack the survivors than you will lose control.

    • Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadar

      A RIDE DENIED (15) - Kill a Jockey within 2 seconds of it jumping on a Survivor. A SPITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS (15) - As the Spitter, spit on a Survivor being choked by a Smoker. ACID REFLEX (15) - Kill a Spitter before she is able to spit. ARMORY OF ONE (15) - Deploy an ammo upgrade and have your team use it. BACK IN THE SADDLE (15) - As the Jockey, ride the Survivors twice in a single life. BEAT THE RUSH (15) - In a Survival round, get a medal only using melee weapons. BRIDGE BURNER (20) - Survive the Parish campaign. BRIDGE OVER TREBLED SLAUGHTER (30) - Cross the bridge finale in less than three minutes. BURNING SENSATION (15) - Ignite 50 Common Infected with incendiary ammo. CACHE AND CARRY (20) - Collect 15 gas cans in a single Scavenge round. CHAIN OF COMMAND (15) - Kill 100 Common Infected with the chainsaw. CL0WND (15) - Honk the noses of 10 Clowns. CLUB DEAD (15) - Use every melee weapon to kill Common Infected. CONFEDERACY OF CRUNCHES (30) - Finish a campaign using only melee weapons. CRASS MENAGERIE (20) - Kill one of each Uncommon Infected. DEAD IN THE WATER (20) - Kill 10 swampy Mudmen while they are in the water. DISMEMBERMENT PLAN (20) - Kill 15 Infected with a single grenade launcher blast. FRIED PIPER (15) - Using a Molotov, burn a Clown leading at least 10 Common Infected. FUEL CRISIS (15) - Make a Survivor drop a gas can during overtime. GAS GUZZLER (20) - Collect 100 gas cans in Scavenge. GAS SHORTAGE (20) - Cause 25 gas can drops as a Special Infected. GONG SHOW (15) - Prove you are stronger than Moustachio. GREAT EXPECTORATIONS (15) - As the Spitter, hit every Survivor with a single acid patch. GUARDIN' GNOME (30) - Rescue Gnome Chompski from the Carnival. HEAD HONCHO (15) - Decapitate 200 Infected with a melee weapon. HEARTWARMER (20) - In a Versus round, leave the saferoom to defibrillate a dead teammate. HUNTING PARTY (15) - Win a game of Scavenge. LEVEL A CHARGE (15) - Kill a Charger with a melee weapon while they are charging. LONG DISTANCE CARRIER (15) - As the Charger, grab a Survivor and carry them over 80 feet. MEAT TENDERIZER (20) - As the Charger, grab a Survivor and smash them into the ground for a solid 15 seconds. MIDNIGHT RIDER (20) - Survive the Dark Carnival campaign. PRICE CHOPPER (20) - Survive the Dead Center campaign. QUALIFIED RIDE (15) - As the Jockey, ride a Survivor for more than 12 seconds. RAGIN' CAJUN (20) - Survive the Swamp Fever campaign. ROBBED ZOMBIE (15) - Collect 10 vials of Boomer vomit from infected CEDA agents you have killed. RODE HARD, PUT AWAY WET (20) - As the Jockey, ride a Survivor and steer them into a Spitter's acid patch. SCATTERING RAM (20) - As the Charger, bowl through the entire enemy team in a single charge. SCAVENGE HUNT (15) - Stop the enemy team from collecting any gas cans during a Scavenge round. SEPTIC TANK (15) - Use a bile bomb on a Tank. SHOCK JOCK (30) - Revive 10 dead Survivors with the defibrillator. SOB STORY (30) - Navigate the sugar mill and reach the safe room without killing any Witches. STACHE WHACKER (15) - Prove you are faster than Moustachio. STILL SOMETHING TO PROVE (35) - Survive all campaigns on Expert. STRENGTH IN NUMBERS (15) - Form a team and beat an enemy team in 4v4 Versus or Scavenge. TANK BURGER (30) - Kill a Tank with melee weapons. THE QUICK AND THE DEAD (30) - Revive 10 incapacitated Survivors while under the speed-boosting effects of adrenaline. THE REAL DEAL (35) - Survive a campaign on Expert skill with Realism mode enabled. VIOLENCE IN SILENCE (30) - Navigate the impound lot and reach the cemetary safe room without tripping any alarms. WEATHERMAN (20) - Survive the Hard Rain campaign. WING AND A PRAYER (30) - Defend yourself at the crashed airliner without taking damage.

    • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

      A ride denied - Kill a jockey within 2 seconds of it jumping on a survivor. A spittle help from my friends - As the spitter, spit on a survivor being choked by a smoker. Acid reflex - Kill a spitter before she is able to spit. Armory of one - Deploy an ammo upgrade and have your team use it. Back in the saddle - As the jockey, ride the survivors twice in a single life. Beat the rush - In a survival round, get a medal only using melee weapons. Bridge burner - Survive the parish campaign. Bridge over trebled slaughter - Cross the bridge finale in less than three minutes. Burning sensation - Ignite 50 common infected with incendiary ammo. Cache and carry - Collect 15 gas cans in a single scavenge round. Chain of command - Kill 100 common infected with the chainsaw. Cl0wnd - Honk the noses of 10 clowns. Club dead - Use every melee weapon to kill common infected. Confederacy of crunches - Finish a campaign using only melee weapons. Crass menagerie - Kill one of each uncommon infected. Dead in the water - Kill 10 swampy mudmen while they are in the water. Dismemberment plan - Kill 15 infected with a single grenade launcher blast. Fried piper - Using a molotov, burn a clown leading at least 10 common infected. Fuel crisis - Make a survivor drop a gas can during overtime. Gas guzzler - Collect 100 gas cans in scavenge. Gas shortage - Cause 25 gas can drops as a special infected. Gong show - Prove you are stronger than moustachio. Great expectorations - As the spitter, hit every survivor with a single acid patch. Guardin' gnome - Rescue gnome chompski from the carnival. Head honcho - Decapitate 200 infected with a melee weapon. Heartwarmer - In a versus round, leave the saferoom to defibrillate a dead teammate. Hunting party - Win a game of scavenge. Level a charge - Kill a charger with a melee weapon while they are charging. Long distance carrier - As the charger, grab a survivor and carry them over 80 feet. Meat tenderizer - As the charger, grab a survivor and smash them into the ground for a solid 15 seconds. Midnight rider - Survive the dark carnival campaign. Price chopper - Survive the dead center campaign. Qualified ride - As the jockey, ride a survivor for more than 12 seconds. Ragin' cajun - Survive the swamp fever campaign. Robbed zombie - Collect 10 vials of boomer vomit from infected ceda agents you have killed. Rode hard, put away wet - As the jockey, ride a survivor and steer them into a spitter's acid patch. Scattering ram - As the charger, bowl through the entire enemy team in a single charge. Scavenge hunt - Stop the enemy team from collecting any gas cans during a scavenge round. Septic tank - Use a bile bomb on a tank. Shock jock - Revive 10 dead survivors with the defibrillator. Sob story - Navigate the sugar mill and reach the safe room without killing any witches. Stache whacker - Prove you are faster than moustachio. Still something to prove - Survive all campaigns on expert. Strength in numbers - Form a team and beat an enemy team in 4V4 versus or scavenge. Tank burger - Kill a tank with melee weapons. The quick and the dead - Revive 10 incapacitated survivors while under the speed-boosting effects of adrenaline. The real deal - Survive a campaign on expert skill with realism mode enabled. Violence in silence - Navigate the impound lot and reach the cemetary safe room without tripping any alarms. Weatherman - Survive the hard rain campaign. Wing and a prayer - Defend yourself at the crashed airliner without taking damage.

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