Novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck

Kisah Nyata Di Balik Tenggelamnnya Kapal Van Der Wijck

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck

3.5 So...this is Hamka.

A very memorable and captivating read. A great title but the thing only happened at the end. Made me wonder the whole time I was reading this, what does the author means by Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck and I didn't know it was literally talking about a sinking ship.

I like the topics mentioned in this story - religion, culture, the difference in social status. This story sets around 1930, so readers got the idea about the state of the country at that time. A great

3.5 So...this is Hamka.

A very memorable and captivating read. A great title but the thing only happened at the end. Made me wonder the whole time I was reading this, what does the author means by Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck and I didn't know it was literally talking about a sinking ship.

I like the topics mentioned in this story - religion, culture, the difference in social status. This story sets around 1930, so readers got the idea about the state of the country at that time. A great writing. If I take aside the romance, focus on the situation, the mindset of the community - Minangkabau people at that time- I find this a great literature.

The characters are not likeable, in fact the main character, Zainuddin seems pretty depressing almost the whole story. (view spoiler)[ Everything happens for a reason, sometimes you don't see it at that time. All you need is patience. The way I see it, the whole rejection thing has a good effect on Zainuddin. Sure, who won't be sad when their heart was broken but you got through it. And at the end, he became this great writer, made a lots of contribution, helping others. But maybe the author was aiming for a great love story, a guy who genuinely in love with the girl that no matter what happened, after all this time, he still love her. That after all his achievements, he still felt incomplete without Hayati. I just don't agree with him, putting all the blame on Hayati. (hide spoiler)]

I wish more words are put on the glossary. I don't like the way they made the glossary. Make the words italic or something to make it easier for the reader to know if the words are on the glossary.


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Sinopsis Film Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck

The Human Love An Ephemeral Withered Infatuation

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck By Hamka

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Novel Buya Hamka Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck Pdf File

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Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck

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