Gelar Sarjana Teknik Informatika
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Sarjana Teknik Informatika - STEI
Teknik Informatika (IF) Informatics Engineering Study Program provides education on the area of Computer Science and Software Engineering. Computer Science spans a wide range, from its theoretical and algorithmic foundations to cutting-edge developments in robotics, computer vision, intelligent systems, bio-informatics, and other exciting areas. Computer scientist should be prepared to work in a broad range of positions involving tasks from theoretical work to software development. Software Engineering is the discipline of developing and maintaining software systems that behave reliably and efficiently, are affordable to develop and maintain, and satisfy all the requirements that customers have defined for them. It seeks to integrate the principles of mathematics and computer science with the engineering practices developed for tangible, physical artifacts. Software engineers should be able to properly perform and manage activities at every stage of the life cycle of large-scale software systems. Program Educational Objectives : Computer Science Software Engineering No Code Knowledge Area No Code Knowledge Area 1 DS 1 CMP 2 PF 2 FND 3 AL 3 PRF 4 AR 4 MAA 5 OS 5 DES 6 NC 6 VAV 7 PL 7 EVL 8 HC 8 PRO 9 GV 9 QUA 10 IS 10 MGT 11 IM 12 SP 13 SE 14 CN Curriculum Structure Without Minor With Minor SCU SCU SCU SCU 36 36 36 36 44 Max 96 44 Max 93 10 10 X X Y Y Min 9 Min 12 – Min 15 Min 0 – – 15 144 144 144 144 Freshmen First Year Program at The School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Semester I Semester II No Code Course Name SCU No Code Course Name SCU 1 MA1101 4 1 MA1201 4 2 FI1101 4 2 FI1201 4 3 KI1101 3 3 KI1201 3 4 KU1101 2 4 KU1201 2 5 KU1071 2 5 KU1001 2 6 KU102X 2 6 KU1011 2 7 EL1092 2 Total 17 Total 19 Sophomore (second year program) Common for all Informatics Engineering (IF) students Semester III Semester IV No Code Course Name SCU No Code Course Name SCU 1 MA2072 3 1 IF2032 4 2 IF2091 3 2 IF2034 3 3 EL2095 3 3 IF2036 3 4 EL2195 1 4 EL2010 3 5 IF2030 4 5 IF2052 3 6 IF2092 3 6 IF2050 3 7 KU206X 2 Total 19 Total 19
Informatics Engineering Body of Knowledge
Discrete Structure Computing Essentials Programming Fundamentals Mathematical & Engineering Fundamentals Algorithm and Complexity Professional Practise Architecture and Organization Software Modelling and Analysis Operating Systems Software Design Ney-centric Computing Software Verification & Validation Programming Languages Software Evolution Human Computer Interaction Software Process Graphics and Visual Computing Software Quality Intelligent Systems Software Management Information Management Social and Professional Issues Software Engineering Computational Science and Numerical Methods
First Year Program Major’s Compulsary ITB’s Compulsary Option / Plan of Study’s Compulsary Electives Electives Non Major (other Study Program)
Free Elective Minor (other major or other study program)
Calculus IA Calculus IIA Elementary Physics IA Elementary Physics IIA Basic Chemistry IA Basic Chemistry IIA Konsep Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sistem Alam & Semesta Introduction to Information Technology A Sport English Scientific Writing in Indonesian Fundamental of Electric Circuits
Engineering Mathematic I Object Oriented Programming Discrete Structure Data Bases Digital Systems Software Engineering Digital Systems Laboratory Computer Architecture and Organization Algorithm & Data Structure Language Theory and Otomata Probability & Statistics Logic of Informatics Religion & Ethic
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Program Studi Teknik Informatika Analisis Dan Perancangan Data
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2 5 Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan Fakultas Teknik
Osi Nirvana 191 Docx Menggerakkan Virtual Character Secara
I Tugas Akhir Diajukan Sebagai Salah Satu Syarat Untuk
Fillable Online Untuk Memperoleh Gelar Sarjana Jenjang
Analisis User Experience Pada Situs E Commerce Bapak Dan
Doc Lampiran 1 Nurqamariah Febriani Academia Edu
Program Studi S1 Teknik Informatika Stmik Akba
Aplikasi Mobile Forum Refleksi Berbasis Android Dengan
Analisis Perbandingan Intrusion Detection Akhir Diajukan
8 N Putranti And E Winarko Analisis Sentimen Twitter Untuk
Skripsi Restin Welinda E1e Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Salah
Tugas Akhir Sebagai Persyaratan Guna Meraih Gelar Sarjana
Pilihan Studi Fakultas Teknologi Industri
Implementasi Teknik Obfuscation Pada Source Code Php
Skripsi 2010230078 Program Studi Teknik Informatika Fakultas
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