Icd 10 Riwayat Sectio Caesarea
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Repeat C section ICD 10, ICD 10 Code for C Section Ask An Expert

Ann Posted Wed 11th of November, 2015 19:18:42 PM
I cannot find a code that indicates a repeat cesarean section in Icd-10. The crosswalk for 654.21 is O34.21 but the wording is "maternal care for scar from previous cesarean delivery." Or do I use O82? Pt underwent repeat C-section as she had previous C-section last delivery. Thanks.
SuperCoder Answered Thu 12th of November, 2015 05:48:43 AM
If the cesarean section is planned it is reported with code O75.82. The primary term in the index is delivery. The subterm is cesarean (for) and occurring after 37 completed
weeks. A note in the tabular specifies code first to specify reason for planned cesarean section such as previous cesarean section with code O34.21.
Also use additional code from category Z3A, Weeks of gestation, to identify the specific week of the pregnancy.
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