Cerita Pendek Bahasa Inggris
Contoh Cerita Pendek Dalam Bahasa Inggris Khalifah Dan
10 Contoh Teks Short ‘Story Telling’ Pendek Bahasa Inggris Unik Dan Menarik

Story telling merupakan sesuatu yang sudah sangat umum kita dengar. Story telling merupakan suatu kegiatan atau aktivitas berupa seni dengan menceritakan ulang sebuah cerita yang berbentuk legenda ataupun fabel dengan cara yang menarik. Di sekolah story telling biasanya menjadi salah satu kegiatan yang di lombakan, selain dari speech atau pidato bahasa inggris. Bagi sahabat KBI yang masih sekolah dan bingung mencari referensi cerita apa yang cocok untuk story telling, berikut Referensi nya.
10 Contoh Teks ‘STORY TELLING’ Unik Dan Menarik Dan Artinya
Berikut ini 10 contoh teks Story telling yang dapat sahabat KBI pilih dan jadikan referensi ketika akan menampilkan story telling di depan kelas atau di depan umum.
The Lion and the Mouse
Once when a lion, the king of the jungle, was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down on him. This soon awakened the lion, who placed his huge paw on the mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow him.
“Pardon, O King!” cried the little Mouse, “Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it and I shall never forget your kindness. And who knows, I may be able to do you a good turn one of these days!”
The Lion was so tickled by the idea of the mouse being able to help him that he lifted his paw and let him go.
Sometime later, a few hunters captured the lion, and tied him to a tree. After that they went in search of a wagon, to take him to the zoo.
Just then the little mouse happened to pass by. On seeing the lion’s plight, he ran up to him and gnawed away the ropes that bound him, the king of the jungle.
“Was I not right?” said the little mouse, very happy to help the lion.
Singa ini jadi menggelitik oleh gagasan tikus yang mampu membantu dia bahwa ia mengangkat tangan dan membiarkannya pergi.
Beberapa waktu kemudian, beberapa pemburu menangkap singa, dan diikat ke sebuah pohon. Setelah itu mereka pergi mencari sebuah gerobak, untuk membawanya ke kebun binatang.
singkat cerita kemudian tikus kecil kebetulan lewat. Melihat penderitaan sang singa, ia berlari kepadanya dan menggerogoti dari tali yang diikatkan ke sang raja hutan.
“Apakah saya tidak benar?” kata tikus kecil, dengan senang hatimembantu singa.
It was a beautiful lake surrounded by lush green grasses, beautiful trees, mountains and sweetest, tastiest jamun trees. There lived a monkey on one of the jamun trees located near the lake.
The lake also had a few crocodiles. There was one crocodile that used to collect the jamun fruits from the lake that fall from the tree.
As the crocodile visits the jamun trees every day, it became friends with Monkey. Crocodile and monkey met every day. The monkey helped crocodile by providing more and fresh jamun fruits from the tree. Their relationship continued and they became close pals. One day, the monkey asked the crocodile to give some jamun fruits to his wife and family as the fruits were more delicious. The crocodile agreed and took a lot of jamun fruits to his wife.
His wife was so happy and surprised that she never ate so delicious fruits, so far. She inquired her husband, where he got those fruits. The crocodile told her, his friend, monkey who lives in a Jamun tree gave these for him.
In a forest an eagle lived on a tree. It had built a nest wherein to lay its eggs. There the eagle would hatch its eggs all through the day.
Under the same tree there lived a hen. The hen had also laid eggs during the same period when the eagle had laid its eggs.
One day, while the eagle had gone for hunting, a bear climbed up the tree to eat the eagle’s eggs. The bear had finished three of the eggs when the fourth one slipped off its hands and fell into the hen’s nest. On returning, the eagle could not find her eggs. Feeling terribly upset, she decided to leave the place.
The hen which lived under the tree saw the eagle’s egg by the side of her eggs. She felt eggs pity on the eagle’s egg, and decided to hatch it too. After a few days, the hen’s chicks hatched. The eagle’s chick hatched, too.
The hen would feed all the chicks, including the eagle’s chick, as if it were her own. Soon the chicks began to grow.
The young chicks would listen to their mother’s sounds and try to imitate her. The eagle’s chick also picked up the hen’s sounds. The chicks would all play together and make lots of noise.
Within no time the hen’s chicks as well as the eagle’s chick grew up to their full size. The eagle’s chick never realized that it was an eagle and not a hen. Considering itself a hen, the eagle would. eat hen’s food, would walk and run like other hens and would make sounds like hens. The eagle never learnt to fly like other eagles and lived its whole life like a hen only.
There was a village near a jungle. The village cows used to go up to the jungle in search of food.
In the forest there lived a wicked lion. He used to kill a cow now and then and eat her. This was happening for quite sometime. The cows were frightened.
One day, all the cows held a meeting. An old cow said, “Listen everybody, the lion eats one of us only because we go into the jungle separately. From now on we will all be together”.
From then on all the cows went into the jungle in a herd. When they heard or saw the lion all of them unitedly moo and chased him away.
There lived a crow on a tree top. Everyday he used to watch with utter wonder the acts of an eagle.
The eagle had a nest high up on a mountain. He used to swoop down from there to get hold of a lamb and fly up again and all in one go.
The crow was amazed by the feat of the eagle.
One day he was so excited that he wanted to imitate the eagle. So up he flew as high as he could. From there he began to swoop down. He came down and down. But alas, he could not control himself. He crashed on the ground and broke his beak.
A cat and a fox were once discussing about hounds.
The cat said, “I hate hounds. They are very nasty animals. They hunt and kill us”.
The fox said, “I hate hounds more than you”. .
The cat asked, “How do you save yourself from hounds?”
The fox replied, “There are many tricks to get away from hounds”.
The cat asked “Can you say what your tricks are?”
“They are very simple”, said the fox. He added, “I can hide behind thick bushes. I can run along thorny hedges. I can hide in burrows. There are many more such tricks”.
Now it was the turn of the fox to ask the cat about her tricks.
The fox asked, “How many tricks do you know?”
The cat replied, “I know just one trick”.
The Fox sneered, “Oh! How sad! You know only one trick? What is your trick?”
The cat was about to answer. But, she found a flock of hounds fast approach. She said, “I am going to do it now. Because the hounds are coming”.
Saying these words, the cat ran up a nearby tree safe from the hounds. The fox tried all his tricks but the hounds out beat him. “My one trick is better than all his tricks”, said the cat to herself.
The cows used to eat hay from the manger. One day a herd of cows came to the manger to eat hay. They saw a dog lying on the hay in the manger.
One of the cows pleaded, “Please, will you get up! We are hungry. We have to eat our hay”. The dog did not take heed of it.
Once again another cow pleaded, “Please, let us have our hay”. The dog snarled and the cow stepped back.
A wise cow ran up to the bull and told him the matter.
The bull came and requested, “Get out, please! Let them have their food”. There was no reply. The bull became angry. He bellowed loudly and stamped his legs. The dog got frightened and ran for his life.
There lived a dog and a donkey in a house of a rich man. The dog guarded his house and the donkey carried loads for him.
It was a hot afternoon. The dog was sleeping under the shady veranda. There was some noise outside. The dog just lifted up his head and went back to sleep.
The donkey asked, “Why don’t you bark. It could be thieves”. The dog replied, “Mind your own business”. But the donkey would not listen. He wanted to save his master from thieves. He started to bray.
The master who was sound asleep got wild with the donkey and came running out with a stick and gave hard beatings to the donkey.
Once, a dove saw an ant struggling in the water.
He took pity on the ant and threw down a leaf.
The ant climbed on to the leaf and reached the shore safely.
After some days, the ant saw the hunter aiming an arrow at the dove flying above.
He wanted to save the dove. So, he bit the hunter’s leg.
The hunter missed his aim and the dove flew safely.
A salt seller used to carry the salt bag on his donkey to the market every day. On the way they had to cross a stream. One day the donkey suddenly tumbled down the stream and the salt bag also fell into the water. The salt dissolved in the water and hence the bag became very light to carry. The donkey was happy.
Then the donkey started to play the same trick every day. The salt seller came to understand the trick and decided to teach a lesson to it. The next day he loaded a cotton bag on the donkey. Again it played the same trick hoping that the cotton bag would be still become lighter.
But the dampened cotton became very heavy to carry and it suffered much. It learnt a lesson. Afterwards it did not play the trick and the seller was happy.
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