Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3

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Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 1 plus Kunci Jawaban

Berikut ini adalah contoh latihan soal Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) 1 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk adik-adik yang duduk di bangku Sekolah Dasar kelas 3. Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris ini sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban. Semoga soal latihan ini dapat membantu adik-adik yang akan menghadapi Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) 1.
I. Read the text then answer question ! I have a friend. Her name is Nadia. She is beautiful. She has long black hair. She has pointed nose. She also has thin lips. She is healthy. Every morning, she always goes jogging. She also drinks milk twice a day. That's why, she has a healthy body. 1. How is Nadia ? Answer : ............................................................... 2. How is Nadia's hair ? Answer : ............................................................... 3. Is Nadia's nose flat ? Answer : ............................................................... 4. What does she do in the morning ?
Answer : ...............................................................

5. Does Nadia drink milk ?

Answer : ...............................................................

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d !

1. We use eyes for .... a. seeing b. speaking c. eating d. walking 2. Boby has short black .... a. lips b. hair c. hand d. nose 3. We use .... for walking. a. nose b. legs c. hands d. head 4. We hang our bag on our .... a. shoulder b. stomach c. neck d. chess 5. Nino wears a hat on his .... a. nose b. elbow c. ear d. head 6. Nando .... to music with his ears. a. watches b. listens c. looks d. touches 7. There is a car in the .... a. verandah b. kitchen c. living room d. garage 8. We should meet our guest in the .... a. bedroom b. dining room c. living room d. warehouse 9. Mother cooks in the .... a. bathroom b. bedroom c. living room d. kitchen 10. Nikita is .... in the bedroom. a. taking a bath 2. cooking c. sleeping d. playing 11
Is this a fence ? a. Yes, it does b. No, it does not c. Yes, it is d. No, it is not 12. It is very hot. Turn on the .... please ! a. television b. radio c. fan d. stove 13. My sister is sweeping the .... a. floor b. window c. door d. roof 14. My mother is going to cook. She needs .... a. vase b. ashtray c. stove d. sofa 15. Father is .... on the chair. a. standing b. sitting c. walking d. running 16.
A : " Does Budi study at seven p.m? B  : .... a. Yes, he does b. No, he does not c. Yes, he is d. No, he is not 17. Reno .... television in the livingroom. a. reads b. listens c. watches d. plays 18. Yolanda .... at six a.m in the morning. a. has lunch b. has dinner c. has breakfast d. has brunch 19. The students can read and borrow book in the .... a. canteen b. library c. laboratorium d. warehouse 20.
What does Mr. Hasan do ? a. He reads book b. He brings an eraser c. He draws a picture d. He teaches a lesson 21. Andy goes to .... at 9 p.m a. school b. bed c. library d. class 22. The students usually have a flag ceremony on .... a. Sunday b. Monday c. Wednesday d. Saturday 23. Jundi wants to .... orange juice. a. eat b. cook c. read d. drink 24. The students are .... Indonesia Raya song. a. reading b. watching c. singing d. seeing 25. Niko .... the blackboard because it is very dirty. a. cleans b. buys c. borrows d. brings 26. We get a ship in the .... a. highway b. station c. harbour d. airport 27. We can see many animals in the .... a. zoo b. market c. field d. park 28. We can mail a letter in the .... a. cinema b. post office c. bank d. market 29. The moslems pray in the .... a. mosque b. church c. temple d. pagoda 30. Mr. Danang is a seller. He works in the .... a. market b. school c. hospital d. office

III. Fill the blank with suitable word !

1. We bring something with our .... 2. The children are playing football in the .... 3. A cow has .... legs 4. Andra takes a bath in the .... 5. The students are studying the lesson in the .... 6. We must .... the hand before answering. 7. Nanda is .... noodle in the canteen 8. Mother goes shopping in the .... 9. The doctor works in the .... 10. We can save our money in the ....
Warning : Harap tidak mengcopy paste dan mempublish ulang Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 1 plus Kunci Jawaban yang ada di blog Jadilah blogger kreatif dengan tidak melakukan copy paste dan mempublish ulang ! Terima kasih.
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Kunci Jawaban Room I

1. She is beautiful 2. Nadia's hair is long nad black 3. No, it is not 4. She always goes jogging 5. Yes, she does

Kunci Jawaban Room II

1. a  2.b  3.b  4.a  5.d  6.b  7.d  8.c  9.d  10.c  11.c  12.c  13.a  14.c  15.b  16.a  17.c  18.c  19.b  20.d  21.b  22.b  23.d  24.c  25.a  26.c  27.a  28.b  29.a  30.a

Kunci Jawaban Room III

1. hands 2. field 3. four 4. bedroom 5. classroom 6. eating 7. raise 8. market 9. hospital 10. bank

Itulah Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 1 plus Kunci Jawaban yang bisa saya bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat. 

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