Penulisan Alamat Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Menulis Alamat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Studybahasainggris Com
Cara menulis alamat dalam bahasa inggris

Cara menulis alamat dalam bahasa Inggris adalah
- On the first line, write the name of the recipient include any necessary titles.
- On the second line, write the address number and name of the street.
- On the third line, name the town or city.
- On the fourth line, write the name of the county.
- On the last line, write the postal code.
How to write an address
1. On the first line, write the name of the recipient include any necessary titles. Example:
Hanif Fais
2. On the second line, write the address number and name of the street.
Hanif Fais
902 East Kusumanegara St.
3. On the third line, name the town or city.
Hanif Fais
902 East Kusumanegara St.
4. On the fourth line, write the name of the county.
Hanif Fais
902 East Kusumanegara St.
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
5. On the last line, write the postal code.
Hanif Fais
902 East Kusumanegara St.
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
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Detil jawaban
Kelas: IX
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Procedure Text
Kode: 9.5.4
Kata kunci: cara menulis alamat dalam bahasa Inggris, how to write an address
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