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PHP String Functions

The PHP string functions are part of the PHP core. No installation is required to use these functions.
Function | Description |
addcslashes() | Returns a string with backslashes in front of the specified characters |
addslashes() | Returns a string with backslashes in front of predefined characters |
bin2hex() | Converts a string of ASCII characters to hexadecimal values |
chop() | Removes whitespace or other characters from the right end of a string |
chr() | Returns a character from a specified ASCII value |
chunk_split() | Splits a string into a series of smaller parts |
convert_cyr_string() | Converts a string from one Cyrillic character-set to another |
convert_uudecode() | Decodes a uuencoded string |
convert_uuencode() | Encodes a string using the uuencode algorithm |
count_chars() | Returns information about characters used in a string |
crc32() | Calculates a 32-bit CRC for a string |
crypt() | One-way string hashing |
echo() | Outputs one or more strings |
explode() | Breaks a string into an array |
fprintf() | Writes a formatted string to a specified output stream |
get_html_translation_table() | Returns the translation table used by htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities() |
hebrev() | Converts Hebrew text to visual text |
hebrevc() | Converts Hebrew text to visual text and new lines (\n) into <br> |
hex2bin() | Converts a string of hexadecimal values to ASCII characters |
html_entity_decode() | Converts HTML entities to characters |
htmlentities() | Converts characters to HTML entities |
htmlspecialchars_decode() | Converts some predefined HTML entities to characters |
htmlspecialchars() | Converts some predefined characters to HTML entities |
implode() | Returns a string from the elements of an array |
join() | Alias of implode() |
lcfirst() | Converts the first character of a string to lowercase |
levenshtein() | Returns the Levenshtein distance between two strings |
localeconv() | Returns locale numeric and monetary formatting information |
ltrim() | Removes whitespace or other characters from the left side of a string |
md5() | Calculates the MD5 hash of a string |
md5_file() | Calculates the MD5 hash of a file |
metaphone() | Calculates the metaphone key of a string |
money_format() | Returns a string formatted as a currency string |
nl_langinfo() | Returns specific local information |
nl2br() | Inserts HTML line breaks in front of each newline in a string |
number_format() | Formats a number with grouped thousands |
ord() | Returns the ASCII value of the first character of a string |
parse_str() | Parses a query string into variables |
print() | Outputs one or more strings |
printf() | Outputs a formatted string |
quoted_printable_decode() | Converts a quoted-printable string to an 8-bit string |
quoted_printable_encode() | Converts an 8-bit string to a quoted printable string |
quotemeta() | Quotes meta characters |
rtrim() | Removes whitespace or other characters from the right side of a string |
setlocale() | Sets locale information |
sha1() | Calculates the SHA-1 hash of a string |
sha1_file() | Calculates the SHA-1 hash of a file |
similar_text() | Calculates the similarity between two strings |
soundex() | Calculates the soundex key of a string |
sprintf() | Writes a formatted string to a variable |
sscanf() | Parses input from a string according to a format |
str_getcsv() | Parses a CSV string into an array |
str_ireplace() | Replaces some characters in a string (case-insensitive) |
str_pad() | Pads a string to a new length |
str_repeat() | Repeats a string a specified number of times |
str_replace() | Replaces some characters in a string (case-sensitive) |
str_rot13() | Performs the ROT13 encoding on a string |
str_shuffle() | Randomly shuffles all characters in a string |
str_split() | Splits a string into an array |
str_word_count() | Count the number of words in a string |
strcasecmp() | Compares two strings (case-insensitive) |
strchr() | Finds the first occurrence of a string inside another string (alias of strstr()) |
strcmp() | Compares two strings (case-sensitive) |
strcoll() | Compares two strings (locale based string comparison) |
strcspn() | Returns the number of characters found in a string before any part of some specified characters are found |
strip_tags() | Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string |
stripcslashes() | Unquotes a string quoted with addcslashes() |
stripslashes() | Unquotes a string quoted with addslashes() |
stripos() | Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string (case-insensitive) |
stristr() | Finds the first occurrence of a string inside another string (case-insensitive) |
strlen() | Returns the length of a string |
strnatcasecmp() | Compares two strings using a "natural order" algorithm (case-insensitive) |
strnatcmp() | Compares two strings using a "natural order" algorithm (case-sensitive) |
strncasecmp() | String comparison of the first n characters (case-insensitive) |
strncmp() | String comparison of the first n characters (case-sensitive) |
strpbrk() | Searches a string for any of a set of characters |
strpos() | Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string (case-sensitive) |
strrchr() | Finds the last occurrence of a string inside another string |
strrev() | Reverses a string |
strripos() | Finds the position of the last occurrence of a string inside another string (case-insensitive) |
strrpos() | Finds the position of the last occurrence of a string inside another string (case-sensitive) |
strspn() | Returns the number of characters found in a string that contains only characters from a specified charlist |
strstr() | Finds the first occurrence of a string inside another string (case-sensitive) |
strtok() | Splits a string into smaller strings |
strtolower() | Converts a string to lowercase letters |
strtoupper() | Converts a string to uppercase letters |
strtr() | Translates certain characters in a string |
substr() | Returns a part of a string |
substr_compare() | Compares two strings from a specified start position (binary safe and optionally case-sensitive) |
substr_count() | Counts the number of times a substring occurs in a string |
substr_replace() | Replaces a part of a string with another string |
trim() | Removes whitespace or other characters from both sides of a string |
ucfirst() | Converts the first character of a string to uppercase |
ucwords() | Converts the first character of each word in a string to uppercase |
vfprintf() | Writes a formatted string to a specified output stream |
vprintf() | Outputs a formatted string |
vsprintf() | Writes a formatted string to a variable |
wordwrap() | Wraps a string to a given number of characters |
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