Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Pendek

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101+ Kumpulan Cerita Pendek, Cerpen dalam Bahasa Inggris dan artinya

Cerpen dalam bahasa Inggris dan artinya – Howdy Bornean! Kalian sedang mencari inspirasi untuk bercerita dengan anak? Atau kalian hanya sekedar ingin rehat sejenak dari kepenatn aktifitas? Yap, cerita merupakan salah satu media yang kerap dimanfaatkan banyak orang untuk menyampaikan ide atau hanya sekedar melepas penat dan menghibur diri.

Cerita dapat menjadi sebuag media yang menyenangkan dalam menyampaikan ide atau nilai-nilai. Orang akan cenderung lebih menyukai pembawaan dalam bentuk cerita dibandingkan dengan yang lain, dikarenakan dengan cerita mereka dapat berimajinasi dan membayangkan secara langsung dipikiran mereka mengenai kondisi yang diceritakaan. Oleh karena itu cerita juga biasa digunakan untuk meningkatkan fokus dari pendengar.

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Berbagai Macam Dongeng, Cerita Rakyat, Legenda, dan Cerpen dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Apa itu Cerita Pendek dalam bahasa inggris?

Sebelum membahas lebih dalam, tentu kita harus mengetahui pengertian dari cerpen itu sendiri. Cerpen atau dalam bahasa inggris disebut dengan short story. Sesuia dengan namanya, short atau pendek, cerita ini merupakan karya sastra yang berbentuk cerita dengan jumlah kata yang sedikit atau pendek, biasanya kurang dari 10.000 kata atau 10 halaman.

Isi dari cerpen biasanya cenderung singkat padat dan jelas, sangat berbeda dengan novel yang memiliki alur bacaan tersendiri. Cerpern biasanya memaparkan nilai-nilai mengenai manusia atau mahluk lainnya dengan bentuk cerita yang lugas, dapat berupa karangan fiktif ataupun mengenai sejarah kehiduan seseorang.  Selain itu, fokus cerita biasanya hanya tertuju pada satu tokoh utama saja.

Story Telling Bahasa Inggris

Selanjutnya sebuah cerita menarik belum tentu dapat menarik perhatian pendengar, salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi ialah tekhnik penyampaian atau yang sering disebut dengan story telling. Adapun pengertian dari story telling ialah sebuah kemapuan atau teknik penyampaian atau bercerita mengenai sebuah cerita, kisah, dialog dan lain sebagainya.

Story telling

Dalam storytelling kemampuan penyaji untuk menyampaikan sebuah cerita merupakan sebuah hal yang sangat penting. Penyaji harus dapat menyampaikan cerita  dengan intonasi, gaya serta alat bantu yang dapat menarik minat audience. Selain itu, pelaku storytelling harus memiliki skill public speaking yang baik, dapat memahami karakter audience, dapat mengatur intonasi serta keterampilan memakai alat pendukung.

Kalian dikatakan berhasil menjadi storyteller, apabila pendengar mampu menangkap  alur cerita serta merasa terhibur dengan aksi kalian. Selain itu, pastikan pula pesan moral atau ide pokok dalam cerita dapat disampaikan dan diterima dengan baik. Karena itu merupakan salah satu fungsi atau manfaat yang paling penting dari sebuah cerita.

Buku Cerita Bahasa Inggris Untuk Story Telling

Contoh Berbagai Cerita bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Berikut ini berbagai kumpulan cerpen dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya :

Malin Kundang

The Legend Of Malin Kundang

Long time ago, in a tiny town near the coastline in West Sumatera, lived a female and her son, Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang’s papa had actually died when he was a child, as well as he had to live tough with his mom. Malin Kundang was a healthy, diligent, and also strong kid. He generally went to the sea to capture fish, as well as brought it to his mommy, or offered it in the community.

One day, when Malin Kundang was cruising customarily, he saw a vendor’s ship which was being raided by a tiny band of pirates. With his take on and also power, Malin Kundang beat the pirates. The merchant was so happy and also asked Malin Kundang to cruise with him. Malin Kundang agreed.

Several years later on, Malin Kundang ended up being a wealthy seller, with a substantial ship, lots of trading goods, numerous ship crews, as well as a beautiful wife. In his journey, his ship arrived on a coastline. The citizens recognized him, and the news ran quick in the community: Malin Kundang came to be an abundant male and now he is right here. His mother, in deepful sadnees after years of isolation, ran to the beach to fulfill her precious boy once again.

When the mom came, Malin Kundang, in front of his well dressed other half, his teams and his own glory, rejected to satisfy that old, poor and filthy woman. For three times she pledge Malin Kundang and also for three times yelled at him. At last Malin Kundang said to her “Enough, old female! I have actually never ever had a mom like you, an unclean and also ugly peasant!” After that he bought his teams to set out. Angered, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would certainly turn into a stone if he didn’t apologize. Malin Kundang simply giggled as well as set sail.

In the quiet sea, unexpectedly an electrical storm came. His substantial ship was damaged and it was far too late for Malin Kundang to said sorry. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, fell on a tiny island, and instantly transformed into rock.

Lebih Lengkap : Cerita malin kundang dalam bahasa inggris

Golden Snail

Golden Snail

Once, there was a couple living in a royal residence. They were Prince Raden Putra and also Dewi Limaran. Royal prince Raden Putra’s papa was the king of the kingdom.

One day, Dewi Limaran was walking in the royal residence yard. All of a sudden she saw a snail. It was awful as well as disgusting.

” Yuck!” stated Dewi Limaran and afterwards she threw it away right into a river.

She did not know that the snail was actually an old and also powerful witch. She might transform herself right into anything. The witch was mad to Dewi Limaran. The witch put a spell on her and also changed her into a gold snail. The witch after that tossed it away into the river.

The golden snail was drifting away in the river as well as got caught into a net. An old lady was angling as well as utilized her net to catch some fish. She was surprised to see a gold snail in her web. She took it and brought it residence. When the old woman got up in the morning, she was stunned that the house was in the excellent condition.

The floor was wiped. And also she also had food on the table. She was thinking very hard.

” That did this to me? The person is really kind.” It took place repeatedly every early morning.

The old lady was very interested. One night she chose to stay up late. She was peeping from her room to know that prepared for her. Then, she could not believe what she saw. The gold snail she caught in the river became a lovely female. The old female approached her.

” Who are you, girl?”

“I am Dewi Limaran, Ma’am. A witch cursed me. I can alter back as a human just in the evening,” explained Dewi Limaran.

“The spell could be broken if I listen to the tune from the divine gamelan,” proceeded Dewi Limaran.

The old woman after that rushed to the palace. She spoke with Royal prince Raden Putra concerning her other half.

Royal prince Raden Putra was so happy. He had actually been seeking his better half all over.

He then prayed and meditated. He asked the gods to offer him the divine gamelan. He wanted to break the witch’s spell. After numerous days hoping as well as meditating, lastly gods provided his dream. He immediately brought the divine gamelan to the old woman’s house. He played it beautifully. And then remarkably the gold snail turned into the beautiful Dewi Limaran.

The couple was so happy that they could be together again. They also said thanks to the old lady for her kindness. As a return, they asked her to remain in the palace

The Fox and The Crow

The Fox and The Crow

Eventually there was a fox that saw a Crow flying off with an item of cheese in its beak as well as clear up pleasantly on a branch of a tree.

” That’s my food, because I am a Fox,” Master Reynard stated, while he was mosting likely to the foot of the tree.

” Good day, Girlfriend Crow,” he welcomed. “Just how gorgeous you are looking today: how shiny your softy plumes; exactly how brilliant your eagle eye. I feel certain your voice must surpass that of various other birds, just as your number does; allow me take pleasure in one tune from you that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds.”

The Crow lifted up her head and also croaked her ideal, but the minute she opened her mouth the item of cheese dropped to the ground, and directly got by Master Fox.

” That will certainly do,” he said. “That was all I actually desired. As the substitution for your cheese I will give you an item of sensible suggestions for the future: “Do not depend on phonies.”

Ant & Grasshopper

Ant & Grasshopper

Once, in one summer season’s day there was a grasshopper that was jumping around, cheeping and singing to its heart’s web content In an area. An ant passed by, birthing along with massive toil an ear of corn he was saving to the nest.

” Why do not you come as well as appreciate the day with me?” claimed the grasshopper, “rather than toiling constantly?”

” I am mosting likely to lay up food for the following winter months,” stated the ant, “and recommend you to do the same with me.”

“Why should we care about wintertime?” said the grasshopper; “We have had a great deal of foods currently.” Yet the ant kept walking on its way and also proceeded its toil.

When the wintertime came the insect didn’t have any kind of food and discovered itself passing away of cravings– while it saw the ant supplying daily, corn and grain from the stores they had actually collected before. Then the insect acknowledged: It is best to prepare well for days of something we need in the future.

Timun Mas

Timun Mas

Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a few farmer. They had actually wed for some years however they had no children. So they hoped to a beast called Buta Ijo to give them kids. Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful beast. He granted their dream on one condition. When their kids had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo. He liked consuming fresh meat of person. The farmers consented to his problem. Several months later on the other half was expectant.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby lady. They called her Timun Emas. The farmers mored than happy. Timun Emas was extremely healthy as well as a very wise lady. She was likewise very attentive. When she was a teen Buta Ijo concerned their home. Timun Emas was terrified so she fled to conceal. The farmers then informed Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a youngster. They asked him to hold off. Buta Ijo agreed. He guaranteed to come again. The following year Buta Ijo returned. But again and again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a youngster.

When the 3rd time Buta Ijo came their moms and dads had prepared something for him. They gave Timun Emas numerous bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, clothing and also salt.

‘ Timun, take these things’

‘ Just what are these points?’

‘ These are your tools. Buta Ijo will chase you. He will eat you active. So run as rapid as you can. As well as if he will certainly capture you spread this to the ground. Now go!’

Timun Emas was terrified so she ran as quickly as she could. When Buta Ijo arrived she was much from home. He was very upset when he recognized that his victim had actually left. So he went to chase her. He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his victim ran.

Timun Emas was just a lady while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily capture her up. When he was just numerous actions behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber. In secs they turned into numerous vines of cucumber. The worn down Buta Ijo was really thirsty so he ordered and ate them. When Buta Ijo was busy consuming cucumber Timun Emas can flee.

However soon Buta Ijo understood and also began running again. When he was just a number of steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles. Quickly they transformeded into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo discovered it tough to pass. It took him time to damage the thick bamboo woodland. Meanwhile Timun Emas can run further.

Buta Ijo chased her once more. When he almost capture her again and again Timun Emas tossed her clothing. This moment it developed into a lake. Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran way. Yet Buta Ijo can conquer it and also continued chasing her.

Finally when Timun Emas was almost captured she tossed her salt. Quickly the land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean. Buta Ijo was sunk and also passed away quickly.

Timun Emas was appreciative to god and also came back to her home.

Bear and Lion

Bear and Lion

One upon a time a lion and also a bear caught and killed a goat. They had a quarrel over it. ” It is mine,” claimed the bear. “I captured it with my strong paws.” ” It is not yours. It is mine,” said the lion. “I eliminated it with my strong jaws.” Then they started to fight over it. They added and down capital, under and over the dropped trees, in and out of the woodland. They bit as well as scratched with their stamina, yet no person can conquer the other. At last they both were weakened and might combat no longer. They lay upon the ground, panting as well as checking out each various other. A fox that was passing by at the time saw them with a dead goat near by. She added to them, took the goat residence and also consumed it up.

Rabbit & Crocodile

Rabbit & Crocodile

Once upon a time, a Bunny wished to go across a river, however he could not swim. He had a concept, he saw a boss of Crocodiles swimming in the river. The Bunny asked he go across of crocodile.

“how many crocodile exist in the river?” in charge of crocodile answered, “we are twenty below”.

“where are they?”the Bunny requested the second time. “just what is it for?” in charge crocodile asked.

“all you are good, mild and also kind, so I wish to make a line in order. Later, I will certainly understand exactly how kind you are,” said the Rabbit.

After that the boss of the Crocodiles called all his good friend an asked then making a line in order from one side to the order side of the river. Fust after that, the Bunny began to count while jumping from one crocodile to an additional: one … 2 … three … four … till twenty. And finally, he said thanks to all Crocodiles because he had actually gone across the river.

In the myth we could discover massage is, prior to act, we think to do first, so that we could finish the challenging problem.

The Eagle Who Lived Like a Hen

Seri Dongeng Binatang Dalam Bahasa Inggris

The Eagle Who Lived Like a Hen

In a forest an eagle lived on a tree. It had constructed a nest wherein to lay its eggs. There the eagle would certainly hatch its eggs throughout the day.

Under the same tree there lived a hen. The hen had also laid eggs throughout the very same period when the eagle had actually laid its eggs.

One day, while the eagle had actually gone for hunting, a bear went up the tree to consume the eagle’s eggs. The bear had actually completed three of the eggs when the fourth one slid off its hands as well as fell under the hen’s nest. On returning, the eagle could not locate her eggs. Feeling extremely distressed, she chose to leave the location.

The hen which lived under the tree saw the eagle’s egg alongside her eggs. She felt eggs pity on the eagle’s egg, as well as decided to hatch it too. After a few days, the hen’s chicks hatched. The eagle’s chick hatched, too.

The hen would feed all the chicks, including the eagle’s chick, as if it were her very own. Soon the chicks began to grow.

The young chicks would certainly pay attention to their mother’s sounds and also attempt to mimic her. The eagle’s chick additionally grabbed the hen’s noises. The chicks would all play with each other and also make lots of sound.

Within no time the hen’s chicks along with the eagle’s chick matured to their full size. The eagle’s chick never ever recognized that it was an eagle and also not a chicken. Considering itself a chicken, the eagle would certainly. eat chicken’s food, would certainly stroll as well as run like various other chickens and would make sounds like chickens. The eagle never learnt to fly like other eagles as well as lived its entire life like a hen only.

The Legend of Ruai Bird

The Legend of Ruai Bird

In the past, there was a kingdom in West Kalimantan. The King had 7 little girls. The queen had actually passed away. The king did not intend to remarry.

The seven daughters were beautiful. Nevertheless, the youngest little girl was one of the most stunning. She was likewise the kindest. She commonly helped other individuals. Her sisters were significantly different. They were lazy. They additionally had attitude problem. They were cruel to individuals.

The king learnt about his daughters practices. He typically advise his older child to practices. He commonly advise his older little girls to behave like the youngest little girl. Regretfully, they never heard the king’s advice. They hated their youngest sibling due to the fact that the king commonly praised her excellent behavior.

The older children commonly did horrible points to the youngest child. They commonly struck her. She was very depressing. She usually cried. She might not inform it to her daddy since her older siblings constantly intimidated her. They would certainly strike her also harder if she informed their daddy.

One day, the king asked all her daughters to meet him.

” I’m mosting likely to the bordering kingdom. I’ll opt for numerous months. While I’m gone, my youngest daughter will rule the kingdom. Do you comprehend?” asked the king.

” Yes, we do, Papa, “claimed all the little girls.

The older children were upset. They very upset regarding their youngest sibling was asked to rule the kingdom.

After the king left, they prepared something negative. They wished to remove their youngest sister. They pretended to be wonderful to her. The youngest child enjoyed. Lastly, her older siblings behaved to her.

The older sisters asked her to go fishing. They asked to head to Gua Batu or a stone cave. There was a river streaming inside the cavern. And there were a great deal of fish because river.

The youngest child was so delighted when they ultimately reached the cave. She did not know that her siblings were mosting likely to do something negative to her.

” Rush, let’s go inside the cave. You could discover a lot of fish inside the cavern,” said the oldest daughter.

The youngest was so excited. As she went inside the cavern, she did not know that her sis remained outside the cavern. They continued asking her to go inside the cave.

She kept walking till she was shed! She was calling out all her sis, however they did not respond. She after that recognized that her siblings did not want her to rule the kingdom anymore. She was extremely sad. She sobbed. Instantly an old man came. He was a holy man. He was practicing meditation in the cave. She changed her tears right into eggs.

” Don’t fret, I could assist you. You can go back to the kingdom yet you need to change into a bird. I call you Ruai Bird. Afterwards, Brood these eggs. After they hatch, the birds will accompany you,” stated the old man.

She agreed. Slowly she became a stunning bird. And also nevertheless the eggs were hatched, they went back to the kingdom. They all stayed at the tree near the kingdom. They all saw exactly how the king penalized the older sis

The Eagle and Crow

The Eagle and Crow

There lived a crow on a tree top. Everyday he used to view with utter wonder the acts of an eagle.

The eagle had a nest high up on a hill. He made use of to swoop below there to get hold of a lamb as well as fly up once more and also all in one go.

The crow was surprised by the accomplishment of the eagle.

Someday he was so excited that he wanted to mimic the eagle. So up he flew as high as he could. From there he started to swoop down. He came down as well as down. Yet alas, he might not regulate himself. He collapsed on the ground and also damaged his beak.

The Foolist Donkey

The Foolist Donkey

A salt vendor utilized to bring the salt bag on his donkey to the marketplace each day. On the way they needed to cross a stream. One day the donkey unexpectedly toppled down the stream and also the salt bag likewise fell under the water. The salt liquified in the water as well as thus the bag ended up being extremely light to lug. The donkey enjoyed.

Then the donkey started to play the exact same technique each day. The salt seller pertained to understand the technique as well as determined to educate a lesson to it. The following day he filled a cotton bag on the donkey. Once again it played the same technique wishing that the cotton bag would be still come to be lighter.

However the wetted cotton became really heavy to lug and it endured much. It found out a lesson. After that it did not play the technique and the seller enjoyed.

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