Simple Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense Passive

184 FREE Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Worksheets

Novi Rezeki

Both the present simple and the continuous tenses are some of the most fundamental aspects of grammar. We use and hear these tenses every day, so it's important to understand the differences ...

1 30,331 ElemPre-IntIntAdv

Antonella Arista

I created this worksheet to help students revise a variety of verb tenses and practice forming questions and answers. I used it in secondary schools as well as in adult conversation classes and it ...

1 8,927 Pre-IntInt

This is an infographic I made for a short video on how to describe pictures in English. It talks about the vocabulary and grammar for a great picture description. I think any level could use it es ...

8 28,448 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
Grammar » Verb Tense Worksheets » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

Write sentences using present continuous or simple present based on the pictures given. Add an appropriate adverb. Adverbs of frequency or time. Children take a look at pictures and write a sentence.

8 48,666 Pre-Int
Grammar » Verb Tense Worksheets » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

Students must complete each sentence using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. They also practice the use of adverbs of frequency and other type of adverbs. They must put both the verb and ...

17 65,174 Pre-Int


Grammar » Verb Tense Worksheets » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

This is a power point presentation that illustrates the difference in use between present simple and present continuous forms. Most suitable for the Russian learners of English, it provides explan ...

7 28,730 ElemPre-Int

I have created this worksheet to compare the basic use of all the twelve tenses. A simple phrase of "writing emails" has been used in each tense. At the same time, a simple timeline is provided fo ...

28 40,867 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam

English Through Videos

This fun video activity is to practise using the simple present tense when describing daily routines. The video shows the daily routine of a Stormtrooper. While watching the video, learners are as ...

13 28,558 BegElemPre-IntInt

Afni Yusuff

Present Continuous, Present Simple, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

Presentation of simple present vs present continuous Rules (affirmative, negative, interrogative). 

9 31,533 BegElemPre-IntInt
Present Simple, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

A comprehensive guide to the present simple tense covering thirteen subtopics and including twelve practice activities. Teachers will be able to use it as a classroom resource and learners will be ...

10 16,608 Pre-Int
Present Perfect, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

This slide show demonstrates the difference between the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous tenses giving explainations, examples and illustrative pictures. There are also some e ...

9 16,672 IntAdv

Janaina Florentino

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous, ESL Songs For Teaching English

In this Brazilian song you can practice translation, fill the gaps and the difference between present simple and present continuous. Very fun and enjoyable activity that might take around 1 hour t ...

8 17,525 BegElemPre-IntInt

Rania Foka

Grammar » Verb Tense Worksheets » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

This worksheet has been designed for elementary young learners, bearing in mind the difficulties they encounter in using the present simple and the present continuous tense in a single sentence. T ...

9 22,526 Elem


This worksheet is intended to work with present continuous. It has some contrast with the present simple, particularly in regard with collocations, but it's mostly about present continuous. I used ...

5 23,424 ElemPre-IntInt


Present Continuous, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

I prepared this worksheet for an elementary teen class (14-15 years old). I tried to make it as clear and comprehensive as posible, so that they could revise the theory as they were doing exercise ...

4 19,013 ElemPre-IntInt


Present Continuous, Present Simple, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

These are 25 sentences where you should use the verbs given in brackets in proper tenses. Aimed at practising the difference between present simple and present continuous tenses. It's great to use ...

18 77,303 ElemPre-IntInt

BusyTeacher Contributor

Grammar » Verb Tense Worksheets » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

The objective of the worksheet is to practice 2 tenses: present simple and present progressive. I consider it a good grammar drill. Students have to choose the forms, find mistakes and correct the ...

8 18,753 Pre-IntInt
Grammar » Verb Tense Worksheets » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

I created this worksheet in order to give my elementary students some practice of the difference between present simple and present continuous. In the first part of the worksheet there are two sim ...

7 21,586 ElemPre-Int

hepi anesti

This is a complete worksheet for grade 7 midterm test. It covers several topics  such as simple present tense, present continuous tense, and simple past tense, preposition of time (in, on, at ...

14 17,733 Pre-Int
Present Continuous, Present Simple, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

In this worksheet students have to complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then they are asked to match the sentences to the pictures. This worksheet is good for pr ...

41 93,593 ElemPre-Int
Grammar » Verb Tense Worksheets » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

This is an excellent activity for practicing the difference between present simple and continuous. They also practice everyday activities (go to work, wake up, watch TV...) and the difference betw ...

19 28,537 BegElemPre-Int
Present Simple vs. Present Continuous, ESL Songs For Teaching English

Ss have to complete the lyrics of the song All about That Bass by Meghan Trainor following the hints given. The blanks are all verbs in present simple or continuous. Then, they can listen to the s ...

14 24,649 BegElem
Grammar » Verb Tense Worksheets » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

This worksheet is useful for reviewing and practicing grammar: present continuous and simple present. It contains two parts reading comprehension and gaps filling. It is appropriate for elementar ...

13 52,305 Elem

muge dundar

Grammar » Verb Tense Worksheets » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

This worksheet has questions of two basic tenses. "present simple and present continuous tense".  We can apply this worksheet for learners to test their knowledge of them. You can see questio ...

19 45,795 All

Gallery Simple Present Continuous Tense

Confused With Present Continuous English Language Learners

Present Tense Time Adverbs Used With The Present Tense

The Simple Present And The Present Continuous Tense

Simple Present Vs Present Continuous Univpm 1 Lessons

Doc Lesson Plan Grammar Ain Nadhirah Academia Edu

Present Continuous Dialogues Grammatical Tense English

Present Simple Vs Present Continuous English Grammar Lesson

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Verbs And Tenses

Present Continuous Tense English Study Page

Verb Tense Prop Simple Present Vs Present Continuous Ing Printable Vipkid Teacher Dino Classroom Aid 2 Sides Fib Examples

Present Simple Vs Present Progressive Tense Difference

Mrs Rania S E Class Class E Unit 4 Grammar Simple

Present Continuous Tense Vs Present Simple Tense

Simple Present And Continuos Tense Worksheet 1 Interactive

Present Simple Vs Present Continuous Worksheet Present

Present Simple Tense Vs Present Continuous Tense English

Learn A Use Easily Present Continuous Form Of Different Verbs

Lesson 182 Negative In Present Continuous Tense Review

184 Free Present Simple Vs Present Continuous Worksheets

Topic Present Continuous Or Simple Present Tense Part 3

Present Continuous Tense Imindmap Mind Map Template

Present Continuous And Simple Present Timeline Timetoast

Present Continuous Lessons Tes Teach

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