1 Lira Berapa Rupiah
Us Dollar Usd To Indonesian Rupiah Idr Currency Exchange
Turkish lira to Indonesian rupiah today's rate 【₺1 = Rp2335.5】 TRY/IDR

The best day to change Turkish Lira in Indonesian rupiahs was the . At that time the currency had reached its highest value. 100 Turkish Lira = 206 354.9345 Indonesian rupiahs The worst day to change Turkish Lira in Indonesian rupiahs was the . The exchange rate had fallen to its lowest value. 100 Turkish Lira = 206 354.9345 Indonesian rupiahs
Historical Turkish lira / Indonesian rupiah
History of daily rates TRY /IDR since Monday, 4 January 1999.
The maximum was reached on
- 1 Turkish lira = 28500.490517108 Indonesian rupiah
the minimum on
- 1 Turkish lira = 2063.5493452515 Indonesian rupiah
Date | TRY/IDR |
2 335.4994 | |
2 319.9239 | |
2 327.2774 | |
2 334.2633 | |
2 334.2511 | |
2 334.2511 | |
2 331.2210 | |
2 336.0815 | |
2 333.7478 | |
2 340.8425 | |
2 344.5984 | |
2 345.5381 | |
2 345.5381 | |
2 352.3571 | |
2 347.3010 | |
2 346.5884 | |
2 347.0789 | |
2 350.8611 | |
2 355.0660 | |
2 355.0660 | |
2 353.8652 | |
2 357.7926 | |
2 378.5918 | |
2 395.6370 | |
2 403.8894 | |
2 407.7236 | |
2 407.7236 | |
2 414.4362 | |
2 408.4052 | |
2 413.2946 | |
2 410.6523 | |
2 426.3384 | |
2 427.7105 | |
2 427.7105 | |
2 430.1844 | |
2 453.5715 | |
2 455.3314 | |
2 460.1959 | |
2 448.1698 | |
2 451.2049 | |
2 451.2613 | |
2 444.3971 | |
2 438.5017 | |
2 444.4388 | |
2 449.8992 | |
2 464.0471 | |
2 466.2777 | |
2 466.2777 | |
2 470.0944 | |
2 462.9618 |
convert | into | Result |
1 TRY | IDR | 1 = 2 335.50 |
2 TRY | IDR | 2 = 4 671.00 |
15 TRY | IDR | 15 = 35 032.49 |
50 TRY | IDR | 50 = 116 774.97 |
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