Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Dan Jawabannya Kurikulum 2013

Kisi Kisi Soal Dan Kunci Jawaban Pas Bahasa Inggris Smp

SOAL UTS Bahasa Inggris semester ganjil kelas VIII + kunci jawaban

Pray before do exam!

Sabar       : Guess what, the coach asked me to become the captain for football team.

Arif         : really? It’s great, guys.

1.    The underline word is expression of….

A.      Asking attention                

B.      Responding attention

C.      Giving opinion

D.      Asking opinion

Mr. Joko                  : May I have your attention, please?

Students                 : ….

2.    The best response to complete dialogue above is….

A.      Yes, Ma’am

B.      Yes, Please.

C.      Yes, Sir.

D.      Thank you

3.    Gibran    : look! My father gives me iPhone 7 plus!

Ilham     : wow! ….

Gibran    : Thanks, I hope you will get too.

A.      It’s worst.

B.      I’m lucky.

C.      You are clever.

D.      How is lucky you are.

4.    These are expressions of asking attention, except….

A.      I know.                          C.   Excuse me.

B.      Hey!                               D.   Attention please!

Complete the dialogue for number 5-6

Fajar      : What do you think about the film?

Gusti       : I think .......................

5.    A.    I like it                           C.   I can’t hear you.

B.      Thank you                    D.   You forget it.

Complete the dialogue below!

Suci          : I think our city is very hot at the moment.

Aisyah     : I don’t think so .... Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.

6.   A.   I know it                        C.   He forgets it.

B.      I am thinking of           D.   In my opinion.

Fola        : So, what do you think of my singing?

Salma    : It's really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune.

Fola        : Thanks, Salma.

Salma    : No problem, Fola!

7.       From the dialogue above, Salma is...

A.      Asking for help

B.      Giving an opinion

C.      Asking for an opinion

D.      Giving help

Nanda      : Can you give me an opinion about my painting?

Fadi          : Sure! I think you should add another object.

Nanda    : Thanks, Fadi.

Fadi        : No problem!

8.    From the dialogue above, Fadi is...

A.      Asking for help 

B.      Giving help

C.      Giving opinion

D.      Asking for an opinion

Complete the dialogue below!

Andre     : (9) ….

Javier     : What?

Andre     : I pass the English speech competition in Jakarta

Javier     : (10) ….

9.    A.  See you                         C.   I’m sorry.

B.   How are you?               D.   Look at me!

10.    A.   I’m great                      C.   Congratulation.

B.   Just so so                     D.   I don’t believe it.

11.   Mr. Romi         : Amanda, can you answer the question number 5?

Amanda              : ….

Mr. Romi            : Good!

The best answer to complete dialogue above is….

A.      No, I can’t.

B.      No, I can do.

C.      Yes, I can, Sir.

D.      Yes, I’m not sure.

12.  Iskandar              : Is he able to speak Indonesian language after 3 months lived in Indonesia?

Zikri                      : ….

Iskandar              : We have to help him.

A.      No, he is able not to speak Indonesian language.

B.      No, he doesn’t able speak Indonesian language.

C.      No, he isn’t able to speak Indonesian Language.

D.      No, he is able to speak Indonesian language.

13.    Maher Zain is entertainer, and his ability is….

A.      He can play football.

B.      He can sing a song.

C.      He can write a poem.

D.      He can ride a bike.

14.   Najmi        : Yesterday, I joined GEMBI Club, will you join with me?

Alif             : …..., because I have joined English club.

The best answer to complete dialogue above is…

A.      Yes, I can.                     C.   Yes, I will.

B.      No, I won’t                   D.   No, I can’t

15.    The true expression of expressing ability below is….

A.      I can drive a car 2 years ago before get accident.

B.      I am able sing a song.

C.      I was able to read Qur’an now.

D.      I could speak English fluency when I was in Australia.

Dialogue for question number 16 to 20.

Rulla          : Great! You have a new novel.

…. (16)

Rina           : Sorry…. (17). I’m still reading it.

                    …. (18).

Rulla          : Oh really? Thanks, guys.

Rina           : Any time.

16.    A.   Where do you buy it?

B.   May I have it?

C.   Can I borrow it?

D.   Will you give it to me?

17.    A.   I won’t give it to you.

B.   I cannot lend you right now.

C.   I can lend you right now.

D.   I cannot believe it.

18.    A.   I will lend you latter.

B.   You should buy one.

C.   You won’t borrow it.

D.   I hope you like it.

19.    The true statement based on the dialogue above is….

A.      Rina is not a good friend.

B.      Rulla and Rina have the same hobby.

C.      Rulla and Rina have the same novel.

D.      Rulla and Rina don’t have the same hobby.

20.    Librarian               : …….

Andini                    : I’m sorry, I will keep silent.

A.      Would you like any help?

B.      Would you mind not talking in the library.

C.      Could you help me please?

D.      Excuse me, I’ll take to you.

21.     Hanif    : You are sick, you .... have a rest.

Thoriq    : Thanks, I'll go home now.

A. Should                            C.   Will

B. Shouldn't                        D.   Won’t

22.    Look at the picture!

The picture above means….

A.      You mustn’t turn right

B.      You must turn right.

C.      You must turn left.

D.      You mustn’t turn left

23.    This road is slippery. You …. Be careful.

A.      Should

B.      Can

C.      May

D.      Will

24.    Mr. Rizki       : …….

Mr. Latif       : Why?

Mr. Rizki       : It’s wet paint.

Mr. Latif       : Thanks

A.      Don’t go!

B.      Don’t turn!

C.      Don’t sit on the floor!

D.      Don’t sit on the bench!

25.    Students in SMPIT Al Masykar Bina Insani must …. when they are drinking or eating.

A.      Sit down                C.   Walk

B.      Stand up                D.   Run

26.    Mr. Kholit said that we …. keep clean our school.

A.      Must                       C.  Mustn’t

B.      Have to                  D.  Don’t have to

27.    Trans Jakarta drivers aren’t allowed to drop off the passengers anywhere.

The underlined word express….

A.   Obligation

B.   Suggestion

C.   Prohibition

D.   Opinion

Dialogue for questions number 28-30.

Mr. Ferry     : Attention, please. Tomorrow we will have a charity program to help our brothers and sisters Rohingya Muslims. It will start at 07.00 o’clock. (28) ….

Students      : Yes, Sir.

Mr. Ferry     : (29) ….

                      It can be foods, medicines, or some money.

Students      : Yes, Sir.

Mr. Ferry     : (30) ….

                      They need those things. Will you help them?

Students      : of course, Sir.

28.    A. Please, don’t be late.

B. Please, don’t be silly.

C. Please, don’t be afraid.

D. please, don’t be angry.

29.    A. Nobody must give donation.

               B. Nobody mustn’t give donation

C. Everybody must buy at least one thing.

              D. Everybody must bring at least one thing to be donated.

30.    A. There is nothing we can do.

B. Let’s help the government.

C. We should care about Rohingya Muslims.

D. We should be sorry for them.


31.    Look at the picture! (10 point)


What is your opinion about food label above?

( In my opinion that is haram food and we mustn't eat the food because we are muslim)

optional answere

32.    Rearrange words below to be correct sentence! (15 point)

a.        Speak - am - English - Fluency - for - training - I - able - to - after - two years.

I am able to speak English fluency after training for two years.

b.       Mini bicycle - my brother – old - ride – was - 3 years – when – could - he

My brother could ride mini bicycle when he was 3 years old.

c.        Acoustic – play – I – an – guitar – play – can

                      I can play an acoustic guitar.

33.    Write 3 activities you must do at school!

(15 point)

Example: “I must wear black shoes”

         A. I must do my homework

B. I must clean my classroom

C. I must be polite to all of my teachers.


34.    Translate some sentences bellow to Indonesian language! (15 point)

a.     We have to keep clean our school.

 Kita harus menjaga kebersihan sekolah kita

b.    My teacher said that I have to do my homework

Guru saya berpesan bahwa saya harus mengerjakan PR saya.

c.     You should try this food. It’s delicious.

                Kamu harus coba makanan ini. Makanan ini enak.

35.    Look at the pictures! Write a sentence expressing prohibition for each picture!

 (15 point)

(  You are not allowed to parking here)

(Don't stop)

(you are not allowed to enter this area)

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