Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Materi Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 9 Smp Mts Kurikulum 2013 Edisi

Ringkasan materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester ganjil

Chapter I – Congratulations !

I will learn

·         To express hopes and wishes to others and congratulate others for their fortune and achievement, in order to keep good personal relationship with them.

Expressions of Asking and Giving Hope

Hope is to want something happen or to be true, and usually have a good reason to think that it might. Here are the expressions

  • ·         Hopefully …
  • ·         I hope …
  • ·         I expect …
  • ·         I am hoping …
  • ·         I am expecting …
  • ·         I was hoping …
  • ·         I wish …

Expressions of Congratulation

Congratulation is something that you say when you congratulate someone. Here are some expressions of congratulations and their proper responses


  • ·         I’d be the first to congratulate you on …
  • ·         I’d like to congratulate you on …
  • ·         Please accept my warmest congratulations.
  • ·         May I congratulate you on …
  • ·         I must congratulate you.
  • ·         It was great to hear about …
  • ·         Congratulations !
  • ·         Congratulations on …


  • ·         It’s very good of you to say so
  • ·         How nice of you to say so
  • ·         Thank you very much for saying so
  • ·         I’m glad you think so
  • ·         Oh, it’s nothing special actually
  • ·         Oh, I have a lot to learn yet
  • ·         Oh, not really
  • ·         Oh, nothing to do, actually
  • ·         Oh, thanks

Example :

John    : “Hi Jane, what are you doing?”

Jane     : “Oh, Hi John! I’m practicing for tomorrow story telling competition.”

John    : “Wow! You join a story telling competition?”

Jane     : “Yeah, Mr. Toni asked me to join.”

John    : “Okay, wish you all the best for tomorrow. I hope that you can win the competition.”

Jane     : “I hope so, thank you for your support.”

John    : “You’re welcome, good luck!”

Jane     : “Oh yeah, how about your soccer competition?”

John    : “Oh.. my team won on that competition!”

Jane     : “Wow.. congratulations on your winning!”

John    : “Haha.. thank you.”

Jane     : “Our school will be proud of your team!”

Chapter II – Let’s Start our Wall Magazine !

I will learn to use the right words and expressions

  • ·         To state rules
  • ·         To give suggestion to do and not to do something
  • ·         To invite someone to do and not to do something
  • ·         To say to agree or disagree with rules, suggestion, and invitations
  • ·         To keep good interpersonal relationship

Expressions of Agreement

Agreement is when the people have the same opinion, or when they approve of or accept something. Here are some expressions of agreement

  • ·         I agree (with you)
  • ·         You are right
  • ·         That’s right
  • ·         That’s true
  • ·         It’s true
  • ·         I know
  • ·         Absolutely
  • ·         Definitely
  • ·         No doubt
  • ·         That’s exactly
  • ·         That’s just what I was thinking
  • ·         I feel the same way
  • ·         My feeling exactly
  • ·         You took the words out of my mouth
  • ·         I suppose you are right
  • ·         That maybe true
  • ·         That might be true
  • ·         You maybe right
  • ·         You might be right
  • ·         You have a point there
  • ·         I see your point
  • ·         I afraid you’re right
  • ·         I’m afraid I have to agree
  • ·         I hate to admit it, but it’s true
  • ·         I hate to admit it, but you’re right

Expressions of Disagreement

Disagreement is when the people have the different opinion, or when they don’t approve of or don’t accept something. Here are some expressions of agreement

  • ·         I disagree
  • ·         I don’t agree
  • ·         I can’t
  • ·         I don’t think so
  • ·         I’m not sure (about that)
  • ·         I don’t know 9about that)
  • ·         I’m not sure if I agree with you about that.
  • ·         I wouldn’t say that
  • ·         I wouldn’t go as fat as that.
  • ·         I wouldn’t go so far as who say that
  • ·         I wish I could agree (with you), but …
  • ·         I hate to disagree (with you), but
  • ·         I don’t mean to disagree (with you), but …
  • ·         I don’t want to argue (with you) about that, but …
  • ·         I don’t want to start / get in to an argument with you about it, but …

Expressions of Suggestion

Suggestion is an idea, plan or action that is suggested or the act of suggesting it. Here are some expressions of suggestion and their proper responses


  • ·         May I suggest … ?
  • ·         You may / might like to … ?
  • ·         Have you considered / thought of … ?
  • ·         Would you care to … ?
  • ·         Why don’t we / you … ?
  • ·         Why not … ?
  • ·         How about … ?
  • ·         What about … ?
  • ·         Let’s / Let me …
  • ·         Shall we … ?
  • ·         I’ll tell you what. We’ll …
  • ·         I propose that …
  • ·         I propose this change …
  • ·         I’d like to suggest that …
  • ·         Why don’t you … ?
  • ·         I have an idea.


  • ·         It sounds like a good suggestion
  • ·         I have no objection
  • ·         It is a good suggestion
  • ·         I think you can do that
  • ·         Perhaps you could
  • ·         Why not ?
  • ·         You can’t be all things to all people
  • ·         That’s a good idea
  • ·         You are right
  • ·         Good idea
  • ·         You’re doing to much

Example :

Situation 1

Dayu, Udin and Lina are in front of the classroom, reminding each other that they should do the chores before they go to school.

Lina     : “My mom makes me do the housework before I go to school.”

Dayu   : “I think you should. Your mom is right. You are teenager now.”

Udin    : “I agree with you, Dayu. Our home is our home. If we live there, we should take care of it ourselves.”

Situation 2

Dayu’s mother was angry with her because she came home late yesterday.

Dayu   : “My mom was a bit angry with me because I got home too late yesterday at three p.m. I went to the bookshop, but I did not tell her.”

Beni     : “Of course Dayu, your Mom must be worried about you because you were not telling her.”

Lina     : “Yes, you should got her permission before you go to the bookshop next time.”

Chapter III – What Should I do that for ?

I will learn

  • ·         To tell or ask others to do and not to do something
  • ·         To state the purpose or intention to do it

To express purpose / intention

  • ·         So that + Subject
  • ·         In order to + be + Adj.
  • ·         To + be ( can be in front & middle )

We can use :

  • ·         Has to / have to / don’t have to /  doesn’t has to
  • ·         Should
  • ·         Must

Example :

  • ·         In order to be taller, Sinta must swim.

Using in order to

  • ·         Sinta must often swim in order to be taller.

Using so that

  • ·         Sinta must often swim so that she can be taller.

Using to

  • ·         Sinta must often swim to be taller.

Chapter IV – Be Healthy, Be Happy

I will learn

  • ·         To choose healthy and safe products
  • ·         To avoid harmful effects
  • ·         To get the best results


Label is a small piece of paper or other material which gives information about the thing it is fixed to. Label is a piece of paper, polymer, cloth, metal, or other material affixed to a container or article, on which is print a legend.

Kind of label

  • ·         Label of medicine
  • ·         Label of food
  • ·         Label of drink

Example :



Available ?



The drug


Childern’s cough syrup




Cough mixture of formula 440


Content / Amount


75 ml




Not available


Directions to use & dosage


Use medicine according to physician’s instruction.


Directions to store


-Keep it in moderate temperature.

-Keep away from children.


Expiration date


Not available.

The drug

The drug is children’s cough syrup.


It is cough mixture of formula 440.

Content / Amount

The package contains seventy milliliters of cough syrup.


There is no information about the uses of the drug.

Directions to use & Dosage

These are the directions and the dosages to use the drug.

1)     Use the medicine according to the physician’s instruction.

2)     There is no information about the dosage.

Directions to store

These are the directions to store the drug.

1)     Keep it in moderate temperature.

2)     Keep it away from children.

Expiration date

There is no information about the expiration date.

Chapter V – This is How you do it.

I will learn to use and make recipes and manuals

  • ·         To get the best results efficiently
  • ·         To avoid accidents, damage, unnecessary waste


Recipe is a set of instruction that describes how to prepare or make something, especially a culinary dish, including a list of what food is needed for this. It is also used in medicine or in information technology (user acceptance). A doctor will usually begin a prescription with recipe, usually abbreviated to Rx or an equivalent symbol. Modern culinary recipes normally consists of several components.

  • ·         The name (and often the locale or provenance) of the dish.
  • ·         How much time it will take to prepare the dish.
  • ·         The required ingredients along with their quantities or proportions.
  • ·         Necessary equipment and environment needed to prepare the dish.
  • ·         An ordered list of preparation steps and techniques.
  • ·         The number of servings that the recipe will provide.
  • ·         The texture and flavor.
  • ·         A photograph of the finished dish.


Manual is a book that tells you how to use something or how to do something. In this case is some tools. The manual contains important information about the tools we want to use. For example, when we just buy a television, so we will get the manual inside the box which contains basic information about part of the televisions and it’s function, how to use it, the forbidden things in using television, its treatment, trouble shooting, and also frequently asked question (FAQ).

Chapter VIII – We have been to an Orphan home. We went there last Sunday.

In this chapter I will learn to communicate past happening which is related to the present moment, in order

  • ·         To share the information with others
  • ·         To report the past happening to others
  • ·         To give an explanation

We use been if we find adjective, adverb place, and noun.

Example :


  • ·         She’s been an orphan for eight years.

Adverb place

  • ·         I have been there twice.


  • ·         She has been very busy.

         Demikianlah Ringkasan Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester ganjil kurikulum 2013. Selamat Belajar!

          "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do something I can do"

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