Cara Membuat Aquascape Untuk Pemula

Cara Membuat Aquascape Untuk Pemula Dengan Biaya Murah Mas

Creating A Beginner’s Aquascape: Simple Aquascape

The method to setting an aquascape in this video can be done by anyone. The simple aquascape design is easy to made, but can create a beautiful and artistic fish tank. The plants that being used in this tank are easy to care and not so difficult to find. This video is to show how easy it is to setting an aquascape.This aquascape using only moss. Moss is easy to care plant and doesn’t need a CO2 injection. The hardscape consist of driftwood that modified (shown in the video) and small stones that easy to find any where.The aquascape detail are:Tank size 40 x 20 x 25 CmYamano LED Light 3 WattYang YP 06 Hang On FilterPumice, aquascaping soil, silica sand for the substratThe plants are Java Moss, Creeping Moss, Mini Christmass MossIf you like this video, please consider to subscribe by click on this link: Music:"Fireflies and Stardust" "Welcome to the Show”"On My Way" "Porch Swing Days - faster" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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