1 Pounds Berapa Rupiah

Clydesdale Bank 20 Pounds Banknote

Pound to Rupiah - GBP to IDR exchange rate

DateExchange Rate
08 Jan 201 GBP = 18,282.6580 IDR
07 Jan 201 GBP = 18,308.0707 IDR
06 Jan 201 GBP = 18,162.2078 IDR
05 Jan 201 GBP = 18,234.4502 IDR
04 Jan 201 GBP = 18,234.4502 IDR
03 Jan 201 GBP = 18,263.7932 IDR
02 Jan 201 GBP = 18,387.4824 IDR
01 Jan 201 GBP = 18,523.6516 IDR
31 Dec 191 GBP = 18,256.9096 IDR
30 Dec 191 GBP = 18,205.5499 IDR
29 Dec 191 GBP = 18,254.6683 IDR
28 Dec 191 GBP = 18,254.6683 IDR
27 Dec 191 GBP = 18,071.1766 IDR
26 Dec 191 GBP = 18,106.9596 IDR
25 Dec 191 GBP = 18,083.0156 IDR
24 Dec 191 GBP = 18,071.6795 IDR
23 Dec 191 GBP = 18,215.3449 IDR
22 Dec 191 GBP = 18,163.0945 IDR
21 Dec 191 GBP = 18,163.0945 IDR
20 Dec 191 GBP = 18,220.3958 IDR
19 Dec 191 GBP = 18,287.7301 IDR
18 Dec 191 GBP = 18,326.8372 IDR
17 Dec 191 GBP = 18,627.4484 IDR
16 Dec 191 GBP = 18,758.1688 IDR
15 Dec 191 GBP = 18,629.9091 IDR
14 Dec 191 GBP = 18,629.9091 IDR
13 Dec 191 GBP = 18,809.3714 IDR
12 Dec 191 GBP = 18,558.5581 IDR
11 Dec 191 GBP = 18,416.6864 IDR
10 Dec 191 GBP = 18,421.8384 IDR

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Xendpay exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from xendpay.com on 23 December 2019

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Xendpay exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from xendpay.com on 23 December 2019

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Transferwise exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from transferwise.com on 23 December 2019

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Skrill exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from skrill.com on 23 December 2019

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Skrill exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from skrill.com on 23 December 2019

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Xoom exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from xoom.com on 23 December 2019

+1(877) 815 1531+1 (415) 395 4225

Xoom exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from xoom.com on 23 December 2019

+1(877) 815 1531+1 (415) 395 4225

Xoom exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from xoom.com on 23 December 2019

+44 203 137 0708+49 3222 1093428�+353 16 917073

Azimo exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from azimo.com on 24 December 2019

+44 0207 148 5800+1 888 772 7771+61 02 6145 2161

Worldremit exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from worldremit.com on 23 December 2019

Ria exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from riamoneytransfer.com on 24 December 2019

Ria exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from riamoneytransfer.com on 24 December 2019

+44 203 137 0708+49 3222 1093428�+353 16 917073

Azimo exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from azimo.com on 24 December 2019

+44 0207 148 5800+1 888 772 7771+61 02 6145 2161

Worldremit exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from worldremit.com on 23 December 2019

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Kantox exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from kantox.com on 23 December 2019

+44 207 614 41941-888-288-7354+61 2 8667 80901-800-680-0750

Ofx exchange rate margins and fees were checked and updated from ofx.com on 23 December 2019

Firm Fee Exchange Rate Pay By Delivers Cost £500


2.5818295.5875Rp 47081


3.5018295.5875Rp 63692


4.9718296.6008Rp 89859


5.0018272.8097Rp 101863


5.0018272.8097Rp 101863


2.9918093.0365Rp 152507


2.9918093.0365Rp 152507


3.9918093.0365Rp 170208


5.0017871.4628Rp 291416


1.9017742.2559Rp 297796


8.0017929.4685Rp 316659


8.0017929.4685Rp 316659


5.0017770.2643Rp 337842


6.9917742.2559Rp 384303


21.5018296.6008Rp 388735


7.0017557.1199Rp 466684
fx-rate.netWed, 8 January, 2020 04:00:01 (EST)

Note: fx-rate.net and Enclick Ltd are not authorised to give advice under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. The prices displayed above are our best guidance on the likely exchange rates, and for indicative purposes only. Exchange rates constantly change throughout the day and can change at the time of closing a trade. We keep the prices updated by checking the exchange rate margins and fees for each provider, and then apply them to the currency interbank rate; our best projection of their price to customers. Our Terms & Conditions Apply

fx-rate.co - You are free to copy and distribute the table under Creative Commons Licence CC-BY 3.0 - please refer to fx-rate.co and link back to the table

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