Icd X Kista Ovarium
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coding kecil icd-10

I25.9 IHD / GJK /CHD
J44.9 COPD
I11.9 HHD
I50.9 DC
I50.0 CHF
I11.9 HHF
I25.4 PJK
Q21.1 ASD
VES I47.1
I25.2 OMI
I48 AF
I49.0 Ventrikel fibrilasi
I51.7 cardiomegali
I49.9 aritmia
I49.3 PVC
I47.1 VES
I40.9 MCI
I21.9 IMA
I09.9 RHD
I47.1 PAD
I44.7 LBBB
I45.1 RBBB
K76.6 Portal HT
I21.1 MI inferior / ASHD
I51.7 Cardiomegali
R00.0 Takikardi
I49.9 Aritmia
I05.0 Mitral stenosis
I34.0 Mitral insufisiensi
I20.0 UAP/Angina Pectoris
N28.9 Insufisiensi Renal
I49.0 Ventrikel fibrilasi
I34.0 Valve heart disease
R00.0 Tachycardia
R00.1 Bradycardia
R00.2 Palpitations
R00.8 abnormalities of heart beat
R07.4 Chest Pain
A63.0 Condiloma talata
B35.4 Tinea corporis
B36 Scabies
L01.0 Impetigo
L08.0 Pyoderma
L08.1 Erythrasma
L08.9 Local infection of skin and
subcutaneous tissue, unspecified
L10.9 Pemphigus, unspecified
L28.2 Prurigo
L30.1 Pompolix
L30.8 Dermatitis
L23.9 Allergic contact dermatitis, unspecified cause
L50.9 Urticaria
L80 Vitiligo
L82 Seboroik keratosisi
L90 Scar/fibrosisi skin
M32.9 Lupus
G54.2 CRS
S06.0 CKR
M54.5 LBP
G56.0 CTS
M06.8 RA
G45.9 TIA
M15.9 OA
M51.2 HNP
M50.2 HNP cervical
G44.2 THA
D81.5 PNP
M10.9 Gout
L62.9 Cva Bleeding
F07.2 Post CKR
R51 Cepalgia
G20 Parkinson
G40.8 Epilepsi
R10.2 Ischialgia
R42 Vertigo
H81.0 Meniere disease
H81.1 BPPV
H81.3 Other peripheral vertigo
H81.4 Vertigo of central origin
G47.0 Insomnia
R56.8 Kejang
M47.9 Spondylosis, unspecified
G62.9 Neuropathy
M79.2 Neuralgia
M79.1 Mialgia
G81.9 Hemiplegi
G82.2 ParaPlegi
R20.2 Parastesia
R25.2 Cram+spasme
F03 Demensia
M65.3 Trigger finger
23.19 other surgical extraction of tooth
23.2 Tambal gigi
23.09 Cabut gigi
23.49 Other dental restorasi
23.11 Removal of residual root
Embedded and impacted teeth
K01.0 Embedded teeth
K01.1 Impacted teeth
Dental caries
K02.0 Caries limited to enamel
K02.1 Caries of dentine
K02.2 Caries of cementum
K02.3 Arrested dental caries
K02.4 Odontoclasia
K02.8 Other dental caries
K02.9 Dental caries, unspecified
Other diseases of hard tissues of teeth
K03.0 Excessive attrition of teeth
K03.1 Abrasion of teeth
K03.2 Erosion of teeth
K03.3 Pathological resorption of teeth
K03.4 Hypercementosis
K03.5 Ankylosis of teeth
K03.6 Deposits [accretions] on teeth
K03.7 Posteruptive colour changes of dental hard tissues
K03.8 Other specified diseases of hard tissues of teeth
K03.9 Disease of hard tissues of teeth, unspecified
Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues
K04.0 Pulpitis
K04.1 Necrosis of pulp
K04.2 Pulp degeneration
K04.3 Abnormal hard tissue formation in pulp
K04.4 Acute apical periodontitis of pulpal origin
K04.5 Chronic apical periodontitis
K04.6 Periapical abscess with sinus
K04.7 Periapical abscess without sinus
K04.8 Radicular cyst
K04.9 Other and unspecified diseases of pulp and periapical tissues
Gingivitis and periodontal diseases
K05.0 Acute gingivitis
K05.1 Chronic gingivitis
K05.2 Acute periodontitis
K05.3 Chronic periodontitis
K05.4 Periodontosis
K05.5 Other periodontal diseases
K05.6 Periodontal disease, unspecified
A15.3 TBC
N18.8 CKD
K21.9 GERD
R06.0 Dispnu
R17 Icterus
R53 General weaknes
R18 Asites
K30 Dispepsia
R50.9 Obs Febris
A18.2 Limfadenitis TB
K29.7 Gastritis
K29.5 Gastritis kronis
K25.9 Gastric ulcer
K27.9 Peptic Ulcer
J18.0 Bronkopnemoni
J18.9 Pneumonia
J20.9 Bronkitis
J47 Bronchiectasis
J21.9 Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified
K59.0 Obstipasi
E86 Dehidrasi
A01.0 Thypoid fever
N04.8 Neprotic sindrom
D64.9 Anemia
R11 Nausea+Vomiting
E79.0 Hiper uric acid
E05.9 Hiperthiroid
E03.9 Hypothyroid
E87.5 Hiperkalemia
E87.6 Hipokalemia
D69.6 Trombositopenia
E75.6 Dislipidemia
E78.5 hiperlipidemia
R73.9 hiperglikemi
E16.2 hipoglikemi
E11.5+I79.2 DM angiopaty
E11.6+M14.6 DM Neuropati
E11.2+N08.3 DM + CKD
E11.6+M14.2 DM artropati
E11.6+G63.2 DM polineuropati
E11.3+H36.0 DM Retinopati
E11.3+H28.0 DM cataract
E11.5 DM gangrene
N20.0 Batu ginjal
N20.1 Batu ureter
N20.2 Batu ginjal + batu ureter
N20.9 batu sal kencing
N21.0 Batu bladder
N21.1 Batu urethra
C22.0 Hepatoma
K75.9 Hepatitis
B15.9 Hepatitis A
B16.9 Hepatitis B
B17.1 Hepatitis C
K74.6 Sirosis Hepatis
K73.9 Hepatitis Kronis
K76.0 Fatty liver
D69.3 Evans syndrome
L91.0 Keloid
K80.8 Cholelitiasis
K81.9 Cholecystitis, unspecified
L04.0 lymphadenitis face, head & neck
I88.9 lymphadenitis NOS
B07 Veruca
D17.9 Lipoma
L84 Clavus
M67.4 Ganglion
L02.9 Abses
L72.0 Ateroma
M72.4 Fibroma
L89 Decubitus
M77.3 Calcaneus spur
K11.6 Mucocele
T30.0 Combustio
T01.9 V Apertum
D17.0 Tu Coli
L03.9 Selulitis NOS
Z41.2 Sirkumsisi
D18.0 Hemangioma
E04.0 Struma
E04.1 SNT
E05.0 Struma toxic
E05.1 hyperthyroid+SNT
E05.2 hyperthyroid+SMNNT
E05.9 hyperthyroid, unspecified
C73 CA tyroid
D24 Tu Mama
N61 Mamae aberen
N60.0 FCD
N60.2 FAM
N60.9 Benign mammary dysplasia
D05.9 CA Mama
D05.1 Intraductal carcinoma breast
D05.9 Carcinoma breast,
R33 Retensi urine
R34 Anuri+Oliguria
R35 Poliuria
R30 Disuria
N30.2 Cystitis
N39. 0 ISK
Q55.2 Microtestis
N35.9 Strictur uretra
I86.1 Varicocel
N43.0 Hidrocel
N45.9 Orchitis tanpa abscess
N45.0 Orchitis + Abses Scrotum
C61 CA Prostat
N13.3 Hidronefrosis
N13.2 Hidronefrosis batu
N43.0 Hidrocele
D36 Apendic
K37 App NOS
K35.9 App acut
K45.0 HIL
I84.2 HE interna
I84.5 HE Externa
I84.6 Skintag
K92.9 trauma thorax
D76.2 tumor Abdomen
R10.4 colic abdomen
M86.9 osteomyelitis
08.24 Exsisi eyelid
D03.1 Tumor/nevus
D23.1 Tu palpebra
H00.0 Hordeolum
H01.0 Blefaritis
H02.0 Trichiasis
H04.1 Dry eye DES
H04.3 Canaloculitis
H10.9 Conjungtivitis
H11.0 Pterigium
H13.1 Secondary Infection
H15.1 Episcleritis
H16.0 Abses cornea
H16.2 Keratoconjunctivitis
H16.9 Keratitis
H17.0 Leukoma
H17.8 Vitreus opacity
H18.7 Stafiloma
H20.0 Uveitis
H20.8 Iritis
Senile cataract
H25.0 Senile incipient cataract
H25.1 Senile nuclear cataract
H25.2 cataract matur
H25.8 Other senile cataract
H25.9 Senile cataract, unspecified
Other cataract
H26.0 catarat imatur
H26.1 Traumatic cataract
H26.2 Complicated cataract
H26.3 Drug-induced cataract
H26.4 After catarak
H26.8 Other specified cataract
H26.9 Cataract, unspecified
H30.8 Retinitis
H31.0 Macula cornea
H35.7 Ablatio Retina
H40.9 Glaucoma
H43.3 Floaters
H43.8 PVD (vitreus disease)
H52.0 Hypermetropia
H52.1 Myopia
H52.2 Astigmatism
H52.3 Anisometropia and aniseikonia
H52.4 Presbyopia
H52.5 Disorders of accommodation
H52.6 Pinguecula
H52.7 Disorder of refraction, unspecified
H53.0 Amblyopia ex anopsia
H53.1 Astenophia
H53.2 Diplopia
H35.3 ARMD, Papil atrofi
S05.9 Injury of eye and orbit, part unspecified
T26.6+ Trauma kimia mata
Z96.1 Pseudofakia
J03.9 TE
J03.8 Te acut
J35.0 TEcronis
J36 Peritonsilar abses
J03.9/J02.9 Tonsilofaringitis
J30.0 Vasomotor rhinitis
J30.1 Allergic rhinitis due to pollen
J30.2 Other seasonal allergic rhinitis
J30.3 Other allergic rhinitis
J30.4 Allergic rhinitis, unspecified
96.52 Irigasi telinga
R04.0 Epistaxis
H61.2 Cerumen
98.11 Extraxi cerumen
H65.2 OMSK
H66.9 Otitis media NOS
H60.9 Otitis externa NOS
H91.9 Gangguan dengar
H91.1 Presbycusis
H93.1 Tinitus
H73.0 Myringitis
J02.9 Faringitis
J31.2 Chronic faringitis
D10.6 Polip Nasofaring
A66.5 CA nasofaring
H71 Colesteatoma
H61.0 pericondritis
J01.0 Acute maxillary sinusitis
J01.1 Acute frontal sinusitis
J01.2 Acute ethmoidal sinusitis
J01.3 Acute sphenoidal sinusitis
J01.4 Acute pansinusitis
J01.8 Other acute sinusitis
J01.9 Acute sinusitis, unspecified
O20.0 Abortus iminen
O08.0 Ab infeksius
O21.1 Ab Insipien
O04.4 Ab Incomplet
N83.2 Kista ovarium
D27 Benigna neoplasma ovarium
N77.1 Vulvovaginitis
N70.9 Adnexitis
D25.9 Myoma uteri
N73.9 PID
N80.9 Endometriosis
N93.8 DUB
91.41 Pap smear
N85.0 Hyperplasia endometrium
D07.0 CA endometrium
C75.4 Solid ovarium ciste
N92.0 Hipermenore
N94.6 dismenore
N92.4 menometrorhagia
N91.2 amenore
N89.8 fluor albus
N81.4 Prolaps uteri
N86 Erosi porsio
B37.3 candidiasis
O21.0 hiperemesis
Z37 melahirkan
Z35.8 Hamil RESTI
Z39.2 Control melahirkan
Z48.8+O82.0 Kontrol po SC
Z48.8+O03.9 Kontrol kuret
O99.0 hamil + anemi
O21.9 hamil + mual/muntah
O48 hamil + post date
O98.0 hamil + tbc
O98.4 hamil + hepatitis
O30.0 hamil + kembar 2
O10.1 hamil + HHD
O10.2 hamil + HRD
O10.3 hamil + HHD + HRD
O10.0 hamil + HT
O15.0 hamil + eklampsi
O24.9 hamil + DM
O23.4 hamil + ISK
O22.4 hamil + HE
O98.0 hamil + TBC
O99.3 Hamil + epilepsy
O00.9 KET nos
O20.9 Hamil + Flek/perdarahan
O15.0 Hamil + eclampsia
Q54.9 Hypospadias, unspecified
97.74 Removal pessary
96.18 Insertion pessary
93.57 Rawat luka
89.52 Ecg
93.96 O2
99.18 Infus
99.16 Inj Antidot
99.21 Inj AB
90.59 Lab darah
91.39 Lab UL
93.94 Nebulizer
96.07 NGT
87.73 IVP
88.76 USG biasa
88.78 USG Hamil
99.52 Kemoterapi
87.49 Foto thorax
39.95 HD
88.19 EEG
59.8 Pasang cateter
79.62 Lepas kateter
97.65 Aff Dj stent
56.75 TURP
97.84 Angkat jahitan
86.59 Hecting
56.0 URS
83.94 Aspirasi Hematros
83.98 Injeksi articulair
98.51 ESWL
93.53 Pasang gips
86.62 excisi
91.69 FNAB
Suspect : Z03
Control jiwa : Z09.3
Kontrol Gin : Z39
Kontrol Bedah : Z48.8
Kontrol Orto : Z47.8
Kontrol Aff Pen : Z47.0
Kontrol HD : Z49.1
Kontrol Interne/anak : Z09.8
M62.4 contracture of muscle
M24.5 contracture of join
M25.6 stiffnes of join
M62.8 pain of muscle
M25.2 pain of join
S54.0 ulnar nerve
M77.4 metatarsalgia
M62.6 muscle strain
M76.6 Tendinitis
M21.3 Foot drop
M25.0 Hematros
93.01 Functional evaluation
93.05 Range of motion testing
93.1 Physical therapy exercises
93.11 Assisting exercise
93.12 Other musculoexercise
93.13 Resistive exercise
93.14 Training in joint movements
93.15 Mobilization of spine
93.16 Mobilization of other joints
93.17 passive musculoexercise
93.19 Exercise, not elsewhere classified
93.34 Diathermy
93.35 Other heat therapy
93.39 Other physical therapy
M48.4 Fatigue fr of vertebra
M80.8 Other osteoporosis+pathological fr
M80.9 Unspecific osteoporosis+ptologi fr
Osteoporosis tanpa pathological fr
M84.0 Malunion of fr
M84.3 Stress fr, nos
M84.4 Pathological fr, nos
P13.0 Fr of skull due to birth injury
P13.4 Fr of clavicle due to birth injury
Fracture of skull and facial bones
S02 Fr of skull & facial bones
S02.0 Fr of vault of skull
S02.1 Fr of base of skull
S02.2 Fr of nasal bones
S02.3 Fr orbital floor
S02.4 Fr of malar and maxillary bones
S02.5 Fr of tooth
S02.6 Fr of mandibula
S02.7 Multiple fr skull + facial bones
S02.8 Fr of other skull and facial bones
S02.9 Fr of skull and facial bones, part unspecified
Fracture of neck
S12.0 Fr of first cervical vertebra
S12.1 Fr of second cervical vertebra
S12.2 Fr of other specified cervical vertebra
S12.7 Multiple fr of cervical spine
S12.8 Fr of other parts of neck
S12.9 Fr of neck, part unspecified
Fracture of rib, sternum & thoracic spine
S22.0 Fr of thoracic vertebra
S22.1 Multiple fr of thoracic spine
S22.2 Fr of sternum
S22.3 Fr of rib
S22.4 Multiple fr of ribs
S22.8 Fr of other parts of bony thorax
S22.9 Fr of bony thorax, part unspecified
Fracture of lumbar spine and pelvis
S32.0 Fr of lumbar vertebra
S32.1 Fr of sacrum
S32.2 Fr of coccyx
S32.3 Fr of ilium
S32.4 Fr of acetabulum
S32.5 Fr of pubis
S32.7 Multiple fr lumbar spine & pelvis
S32.8 Fr of other & unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis
Fracture of shoulder and upper arm
S42.0 Fr of clavicle
S42.1 Fr of scapula
S42.2 Fr of upper end of humerus
S42.3 Fr of shaft of humerus
S42.4 Fr supracondilar humerus
S42.7 Multiple fr clavicle, scapula and humerus
S42.8 Fr of other parts of shoulder and upper arm
S42.9 Fr of shoulder girdle, part nos
Fracture of forearm
S52.0 Fr of upper end of ulna
S52.1 Fr of upper end of radius
S52.2 Fr of shaft of ulna
S52.3 Fr of shaft of radius
S52.4 Fr of shafts of ulna + radius
S52.5 Fr of lower end of radius
S52.6 Fr of lower end of ulna + radius
S52.7 Multiple frs of forearm
S52.8 Fr of other parts of forearm
S52.9 Fr of forearm, part unspecified
Fracture at wrist and hand level
S62.0 Fr navicular bone of hand
S62.1 Fr of other carpal bone(s)
S62.2 Fr of first metacarpal bone
S62.3 Fr of other metacarpal bone
S62.4 Multiple frs of metacarpal bones
S62.5 Fr of thumb
S62.6 Fr of other finger
S62.7 Multiple fr of fingers
S62.8 Fr of other & unspecified parts of wrist and hand
Fracture of femur
S72.0 Fr of neck of femur
S72.1 Pertrochanteric fr
S72.2 Subtrochanteric fr
S72.3 Fr of shaft of femur
S72.4 Fr of lower end of femur
S72.7 Multiple fr of femur
S72.9 Fr of femur, part unspecified
Fracture of lower leg, including ankle
S82.0 Fr of patella
S82.1 Fr of upper end of tibia
S82.2 Fr of shaft of tibia
S82.3 Fr of lower end of tibia
S82.4 Fr of fibula alone
S82.5 Fr of medial malleolus
S82.6 Fr of lateral malleolus
S82.7 Multiple fr of lower leg
S82.8 Fr of other parts of lower leg
S82.9 Fr of lower leg, part unspecified
Fr of foot, except ankle
S92.0 Fr calcaneus
S92.1 Fr of talus
S92.2 Fr other tarsal bone
S92.3 Fr metatarsal bone
S92.4 Fr great toe
S92.5 Fra of other toe
S92.7 Multiple fr of foot
S92.9 Fr of foot, unspecified
T02 Fr multiple body regions
T02.0 Fr head with neck
T02.9 Multiple fr, unspecified
T08 Fr of spine, level unspecified
T10 Fr of upper limb, level unspecified
T12 Fr of lower limb, level unspecified
T14.2 Fr of unspecified body region
87.0 Soft tissue RO of face, head & neck
87.09 RO other soft tisue face,head & neck
87.11 RO full mouth of teeth
87.12 RO dental
87.16 RO of facial bones
87.17 RO of skulls
87.22 RO of cervical spine
87.23 RO of thoracic spine
87.24 RO of lumbosacral spine
87.29 RO of spine
87.39 other soft tissue RO of chest wall
87.43 RO of ribs, sternum and clavicle
87.44 routine chest RO, so described
87.49 other chest RO
87.5 Biliary tract RO
87.59 other biliary tract RO
87.65 RO of intestine
87.69 other digestive RO
87.79 RO of the urinary system
87.8 RO of female genital organs
87.81 RO of gravid uterus
87.85 RO of fallopian tuba &uterus
87.89 RO of female genital organ
87.9 RO of male genital organs
87.92 RO of prostate & seminal vesicles
87.95 RO of epididymis and vas deferens
87.99 other RO of male genital organs
88.19 RO of abdomen
88.2 RO of extremities and pelvis
88.21 RO of shoulder and upper arm
88.22 RO of elbow and fore arm
88.23 RO of wrist and hand
88.24 RO of upper lim
88.26 other RO of pevis and hip
88.27 RO of thigh, knee and lower leg
88.28 RO of ankle and foot
88.29 RO of lower limb not otherwise specified
Gallery Icd X Kista Ovarium
Buku Icd 10 Per Poli Pinda Ifc Academia Edu
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188330322 Icd 10 Code Diagnosis1 Kode Pintar Icd 10 No
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