Cara Mengakses Deep Web

One Step Ahead Pedophiles On The Deep Web Vice

[HOT!!] Cara mengakses Deep web / The hidden internet




Siang gan kali ini Nubie mau share gimana cara mengakses konten Deep web atau The hidden internet. Di sini agan bisa dapetin info Black market, data credit card yang dicuri, narkoba (banyak yang jual ), Child porn dan hal lain yang berbau ilegal. Bahkan ane pernah dapat ada yang ngejual pesawat jet. Ane juga ga tau sih gimana hukum ngakses deep web ini. Oke ga usah basa basi lagi. Sebelum ane jelasin caranya, Baca dulu penjelasan mengenai deep web ini
The Deep Web (also called the Deepnet, the Invisible Web, the Undernet or the hidden Web) is World Wide Web content that is not part of the Surface Web, which is indexed by standard search engines. It should not be confused with the dark Internet, the computers that can no longer be reached via Internet, or with the distributed filesharing network Darknet, which could be classified as a smaller part of the Deep Web.

Mike Bergman, founder of BrightPlanet, credited with coining the phrase,[1] said that searching on the Internet today can be compared to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean: a great deal may be caught in the net, but there is a wealth of information that is deep and therefore missed.[2] Most of the Web's information is buried far down on dynamically generated sites, and standard search engines do not find it. Traditional search engines cannot "see" or retrieve content in the deep Web—those pages do not exist until they are created dynamically as the result of a specific search. The deep Web is several orders of magnitude larger than the surface Web.[3]

For those who don't know, the deep web represents a gargantuan part of the internet which is not accessible through regular searches via google or other search engines. Searching on the Internet today can be compared to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean. While a great deal may be caught in the net, there is still a wealth of information that is deep, and therefore, missed. The reason is simple: Most of the Web's information is buried far down on dynamically generated sites, and standard search engines never find it. Here are some facts on The Deep Web: · Public information on the deep Web is currently 400 to 550 times larger than the commonly defined World Wide Web. · The deep Web contains 7,500 terabytes of information compared to 19 terabytes of information in the surface Web. · The deep Web contains nearly 550 billion individual documents compared to the 1 billion of the surface Web. · More than 200,000 deep Web sites presently exist. · Sixty of the largest deep-Web sites collectively contain about 750 terabytes of information — sufficient by themselves to exceed the size of the surface Web forty times. · The deep Web is the largest growing category of new information on the Internet. · Deep Web sites tend to be narrower, with deeper content, than conventional surface sites. · Total quality content of the deep Web is 1,000 to 2,000 times greater than that of the surface Web. · Deep Web content is highly relevant to every information need, market, and domain. · More than half of the deep Web content resides in topic-specific databases. · A full ninety-five per cent of the deep Web is publicly accessible information — not subject to fees or subscriptions. What lies beneath the surface is a who's who of hackers, scientists, drug dealers, astronomers, assassins, physicists, revolutionaries, Government officials, Police, Feds, terrorists, perverts, data miners, kidnappers, sociologists, etc. As you can tell, the party goes across the entire moral spectrum. I find this subject to be utterly fascinating which needs to be studied further. Whilst there are tons of bad seeds who inhabit this deep web, there's also good seeds who wish to spread their information quickly and most often anonymously, to avoid legal or ethical ramifications. They got folks who literally can go toe to toe with Anon on there. Dudes who are really dangerous in the sense they are near omnipotent. This is where the serious computer viruses are made and where plots are made. They have security viruses and everything. The reason the "Deep Web" is the way it is is because only about 10 percent of what's on the internet is generally/commercially interesting. Sure you could dig deep into the annals of the information superhighway but most if it is raw information. It's not packaged and easily digestible like stumbleupon or tumblr. They are websites that purposely don't get pinged to search engines so they are harder to find. To sum it up, it's basically a private section of server space to share data off record. All that wiki leaks stuffed that leaked a couple months back? That's been on deep web for years. Ever seen a movie and see the bad guy or hacker loggin' into some weird looking private server? that's all real. Generally, terrorist networks, spy agencies, drug dealers, assassins-for-hire, and those looking for child porn lurk around those parts. There's a Hidden Wiki, there, and on the wiki they're categories of links. There are things like blogs, forums (from normal to revolutionary to blatantly illegal), Tor-enabled instant messaging and chat, anonymous file hosting, anonymous financing, anonymous tipping and information exchanges, information on computer security/anonymity, info on warez/kracks/hacking, all the books, music, movies you can possibly imagine, even links to sports betting and trade information, links to international drug markets, prostitution rings, assassin markets, black market products, child pornography, Some of societies most deviant people use this network. Not just those that browse the sites on there but also those who create it and manage them..and it's almost impossible to find either of the offenders. Even underground fighting tournaments to the death (I'm not joking very real very organized). Very Real trained professional fighters. It may seem surreal but they are guys that train with the best and want no part of UFC or any fight league. Dudes who really enjoy fighting to the death. It's just crazy explaining it it's not some barroom brawl. These things happen and alot of millionaires pay big money to see them. Modern Gladiator battles. I heard there are some with humans vs animals. However, 0.00000001% of all data on the dark web is stuff normal people will be able to access, understand and use. And even a small fraction of that is illegal stuff.. its not like some hardcore underground network of spies, killers, pedos and criminals. The rest % is used by their respected authorities.

Sekarang cara aksesnya gan

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Ketiga terus buka Start Tor Browser.exe (jangan lupa run as administrator) nanti bakal muncul browser baru, paste "7jguhsfwruviatqe.onion" tanpa tanda kutip di address bar. Maka akan muncul the hidden wiki, Selamat browsing deep web

Maaf kalo postnya berantakan, masih belajar gan

Tips buat agan sekalian : 1. sebaiknya pake proxy atau VPN biar lebih aman. 2. Browsingnya hati hati, soalnya CP banyak banget 3. yang paling penting, ane ulang browsingnya hati2

Nih SS mirror the hidden wiki, soalnya the hidden wiki aslinya lagi down

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Kalo boleh ane minta nya gan

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Diubah oleh dedibima

Sedikit list website .onion Tor wiki : rtlzzo47h4kfcqjb.onion

The hidden wiki : http://cll4zruggknbejm2.onion/wiki/i...itle=Main_Page

Wiki buat para pedophil : http://ngippawdykoexqd5.onion/ Tor directory : http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion Twitternya onion land : http://lotjbov3gzzf23hc.onion/ Black market : http://5onwnspjvuk7cwvk.onion/ Kalo mau lagi silahkan nyoba sendiri pake tor browser Gini gan teorinya

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Diubah oleh dedibima
Kaskus Maniac Posts: 6,277

TS sendiri udah nyoba blm ?

Original Posted By mazzgunTS sendiri udah nyoba blm ?

ane udah nyoba gan, mau ngasih ss tapi inet lagi lemot lemotnya nih gan

emangnya kalo kita hanya sekedar untuk mengakses bisa ketangkep juga ya gan?

maksudnya hati2 apa c gan? resiko kalo gk hati2 misalnya gimana?

Original Posted By chikarakapiapiamaksudnya hati2 apa c gan? resiko kalo gk hati2 misalnya gimana?

ya kalo gak hati hati agan bisa jadi pedophilia gan, soalnya disana surganya para pedo kayaknya, trus harus hati hati juga soalnya narkoba gampang banget transaksinya disana

Original Posted By testink.ajaemangnya kalo kita hanya sekedar untuk mengakses bisa ketangkep juga ya gan?

Ngga kok gan tenang aja

Kaskus Addict Posts: 2,804

belum berani ane ahh browser nya takut bervirus

=======================================edit ane udah nyobain gan.

komentar ane cuman: WOW!!! Ini baru nama nya internet gan

Diubah oleh asrinfat
Kaskus Addict Posts: 2,602

ngeri gan atut ane

Kaskus Addict Posts: 2,597

menarik nih tapi ane belum coba. kalau mau cari-cari konten tertentu ada search enginenya ga? kan kalau pake google ga ketemu tuh webnya

Original Posted By dedibima

ya kalo gak hati hati agan bisa jadi pedophilia gan, soalnya disana surganya para pedo kayaknya, trus harus hati hati juga soalnya narkoba gampang banget transaksinya disana

wah, pedo maksudnya sama anak-anak kecil gt y gan kaya anak sd? kalo anak sma boleh lah

ane tadi nyobain, emang serasa beda banget gan, lebih deg-deg an bukanya (mungkin karena agan bilang kudu ati2 ) di samping itu juga beda gan pas ane search di mesin pencari nya, yg keluar itu gk kaya biasanya, ane belum familiar. pokonya.

kalo cuma browsing2 gpp y gan?gkd resiko ketangkep polisi atau apalah. kebanyakan pake bahasa inggris y gan, rada pusing terus alamat yg agan kasih ko ane gk bisa buka y? kaya yg ini 7jguhsfwruviatqe.onion sama yg lainnya juga, pokoknya yg belakangnya .onion .mohon pencerahan gan

maaf banyak nanya+berantakan gan

Diubah oleh chikarakapiapia
Kaskus Addict Posts: 2,597

Original Posted By chikarakapiapiawah, pedo maksudnya sama anak-anak kecil gt y gan kaya anak sd? kalo anak sma boleh lah

ane tadi nyobain, emang serasa beda banget gan, lebih deg-deg an bukanya (mungkin karena agan bilang kudu ati2 ) di samping itu juga beda gan pas ane search di mesin pencari nya, yg keluar itu gk kaya biasanya, ane belum familiar. pokonya.

kalo cuma browsing2 gpp y gan?gkd resiko ketangkep polisi atau apalah. kebanyakan pake bahasa inggris y gan, rada pusing terus alamat yg agan kasih ko ane gk bisa buka y? kaya yg ini 7jguhsfwruviatqe.onion sama yg lainnya juga, pokoknya yg belakangnya .onion .mohon pencerahan gan

maaf banyak nanya+berantakan gan

emang beberapa linknya down. tapi masih banyak yang bisa dibuka kok. yang .onion emang berat gue coba. karena pake proxy tor mungkin. senjata api, narkoba, jasa bunuh orang, barang-barang mewah yang dijual jauh lebih murah, child porn, rahasia-rahasia pemerintahan, dll.

sangat menarik memang

tapi kalau mau transaksi kebanyakan pakai bitcoin yah

yang wow apanya sih gan ane buka ko biasa aja malah ga ada yg menarik

betewe cara buka situs lain selain yg disaranin ts gimana?siapa tau nemu yg enak enak

Diubah oleh GEMBISMBIS
Kaskus Addict Posts: 1,899

wow yang ini baru tau gw ;takut

Kaskus Geek Posts: 11,147

wah bagus nih buat nyari2 data yg di privet pemerintah biasanya ya?

Original Posted By chikarakapiapia

wah, pedo maksudnya sama anak-anak kecil gt y gan kaya anak sd? kalo anak sma boleh lah

ane tadi nyobain, emang serasa beda banget gan, lebih deg-deg an bukanya (mungkin karena agan bilang kudu ati2 ) di samping itu juga beda gan pas ane search di mesin pencari nya, yg keluar itu gk kaya biasanya, ane belum familiar. pokonya.

kalo cuma browsing2 gpp y gan?gkd resiko ketangkep polisi atau apalah. kebanyakan pake bahasa inggris y gan, rada pusing terus alamat yg agan kasih ko ane gk bisa buka y? kaya yg ini 7jguhsfwruviatqe.onion sama yg lainnya juga, pokoknya yg belakangnya .onion .mohon pencerahan gan

maaf banyak nanya+berantakan gan

kalo ga bisa dibuka berarti lagi down gan, ati2 juga gan banyak scam disono

Original Posted By andyvrcwah bagus nih buat nyari2 data yg di privet pemerintah biasanya ya?
iya gan ada wikileaks nya juga..

julian assange aja nyarinya disini

Aktivis Kaskus Posts: 523

Pernah denger tp blum prnah nyoba.. kasih efek samping dong .

Original Posted By GEMBISMBISyang wow apanya sih gan ane buka ko biasa aja malah ga ada yg menarik

betewe cara buka situs lain selain yg disaranin ts gimana?siapa tau nemu yg enak enak

apanya yang biasa gan disitu ada jasa bunuh orang dll jual narkoba banyak deh gan browse aja dari wikinya "yang enak enak" banyak kok, cumaaa kebanyakan sih seumuran anak sd, jadi pedophil mau gan ?

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