Kamus Bahasa Jepang Indonesia
6 Kamus Sehari Hari Bahasa Jepang
KAMUS JEPANG-INDONESIA Gratis - Apps on Google Play

"KAMUS JEPANG-INDONESIA Gratis" is offline electronic dictionary consisting of a total of 100,000 Japanese and Indonesian vocabulary that can perform a search with ease.
This dictionary is the most popular Japanese - Indonesian dictionary from books and dictionaries application's category in the world.
We sell the paid version without ads on the link below. Paid version
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appkey.kamusThis application does not choose a place to be able solve the problem, you can use it anywhere and anytime. Besides the simple design and easy to understand, the basic features of this dictionary app is that it can be used offline without an Internet connection. Another feature of this application is it can automatically translate the long sentences (requires internet connection), so that the application can be used as a tool to help learning Japanese.This is a perfect dictionary application for those who want to learn Japanese.■ Features of application
◎ This dictionary consists of 39.651 Japanese vocabularies and 63.781 Indonesian vocabularies, totaling 103.432 sets of vocabularies.◎ Searching the vocabularies can be done using Alphabet, Katakana, Hiragana and also Kanji characters.◎ Japanese pronunciation in this dictionary is written using the alphabets, so, it can be easily used even by people who can't write the Japanese characters.◎ The high speed search function. All the database contained inside the application, it makes the search for vocabularies quickly even without the internet access.◎ With one tap, you can immediately find the terms. Only by tapping the detail screen, you can search the word quickly.◎ With the simple design which is easy to understand, you can operate this application intuitively.◎ The basic function of this dictionary is it can be used offline without an Internet connection.◎ Besides the dictionary function, with the Internet connection, you also capable to translate the long sentences.◎ Searches can be done by the Japanese characters and the alphabet.◎ Vocabulary is important that you think can be put in a bookmark, in order to facilitating you to learn Japanese easily.◎ You can also change the design of this application according to your wishes, such as font size, color, and also bacground.◎ This dictionary is also coordinated in social media such as Email, Facebook, etc. so you can try to use the vocabulary you have learned with the Japanese people who have become your friends.※ The paid version without advertising can be downloaded via the URL below.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appkey.kamusGallery Kamus Bahasa Jepang Indonesia
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