Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5
Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Documents
50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD

Contoh soal bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 5 SD berjumlah ini sebenarnya berisi 50 soal. Namun saya hanya menampilkan 15 soal saja dan selebihnya silahkan download langsung dengan mengklik link yang terdapat di bawah postingan ini. Hal ini untuk mempermudah pengguna yang bermasalah dengan kecepatan loading. Dan jangan lupa untuk mempelajari materi grammar lainnya di blog ini agar dapat membuat kamu semakin pintar bahasa Inggris. Keep spirit and good luck!
Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD:
- It is a half minutes pass four in the afternoon, what will you say if you meet your friend? a. Good afternoon c. How are you doing
b. How are you d. Good night
- My hobby is playing football, I need a … for playing it. a. racket c. motorcycle
b. ball d. stick
- I am very …, So I buy a bottle soft drink in the store. a. hungry c. angry
b. sleepy d. thirsty
- He wants to clean a blackboard, he needs … a. book c. eraser
b. ruler d. calk
- My mother is angry to me because I get bad score in my exam. I feel so … a. happy c. lazy
b. sad d. crazy
- How many days are there in a month? a. a day c. twenty one days
b. seven days d. thirty or thirty one days
- What day is after Monday? a. Wednesday c. Thursday b. Saturday d. Friday My School My name is Aliya. I am class five. I study at SDN Semawung Daleman I. My school is small but beautiful. There are six classrooms. One headmaster’ room, one teacher’s room, one library, one canteen and two toilets.
There is a big field in front of the school. Class one, two, and three are in front of class four. Five and six. The library is between headmaster’s room and class six. The parking area is behind the canteen.
- Aliya is a student of class … a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d.6
- Her school has … a. 6 classroom and 2 toilets c. one library and 2 parts
b. 6 classroom and 2 schools d. one canteen and one class
- Where is the field ? it is … the school a. behind c. between
b. beside d. in front of
- Where is class five ? it is in front of the class …. a. 2 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
- The students put their bicycles in the… a Field c. library
b. parking area d. toilet
- The parking location in my school is … room 3 and 4. a. beside c. between
b. across d. in
- Teacher : Don’t … to school ! Students : Yes, sir. a. come early c. go
b. come late d. going
- Teacher : Come in, Budi ! Budi : … a. no, thanks c. no, I come in
b. yes, I come in d. thank you, sir
Download selengkapnya 50 contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD >> DI SINI. Semoga membantu dan jika menurut kamu tulisan ini bermanfaat, mohon sharenya melalui tombol like, twit atau dengan meninggalkan komentar di bawah ini. Terima Kasih.
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