Pt Gunung Raja Paksi

Biayai Ekspansi Gunung Raja Paksi Incar Dana Ipo Rp 1

GUNUNG RAJA PAKSI Tbk - Gunung Raja Paksi

Formed at the end of 2001, PT Gunung Raja Paksi (GRP) produces steel sheets consisting of steel plates and rolls. The combined production capacity reaches 2,800,000 tons annually, generated from the large-scale hot-rolled steel sheet products. The GRP quality control laboratory is equipped with the latest testing machines and facilities to maintain the quality as per international standard test. The laboratory is also certified by certain local and international organizations.

GRP has a central service division that supports production and services:

Coil Service Center (CSC) includes fabrication for Hot Rolled Coil with various adjustments including Cut to length, Leveling, Skin Pass and Slitting.

Plate Service Center (PSC) includes fabrication for Hot Rolled Steel Plate with advanced engine to handle Cut to shape, Bending, Drilling, Punching, Shearing, and Stamping.

Forming Service Center (FSC) includes fabrication for Cold Formed Products such as C-Channel, Electric Pole, Equal Angle, Floor Deck, Guard Rail, Lipped Channel, Hollow Section, and others.

Steel Service Center (SSC) provides a top-quality service for the manufacture and fabrication of steel with computerized systems synchronized with the latest technologies such as CNC Sawing Machine, CNC Drilling, Cutting, Punching, Bending Machine, Galvanizing Machine, Shot Blasting and others.

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Formed at the end of 2001, PT Gunung Raja Paksi (GRP) produces steel sheets consisting of steel plates and rolls. The combined production capacity reaches 2,800,000 tons annually, generated from the large-scale hot-rolled steel sheet products. The GRP quality control laboratory is equipped with the latest testing machines and facilities to maintain the quality as per international standard test. The laboratory is also certified by certain local and international organizations.

GRP has a central service division that supports production and services:

Coil Service Center (CSC) includes fabrication for Hot Rolled Coil with various adjustments including Cut to length, Leveling, Skin Pass and Slitting.

Plate Service Center (PSC) includes fabrication for Hot Rolled Steel Plate with advanced engine to handle Cut to shape, Bending, Drilling, Punching, Shearing, and Stamping.

Forming Service Center (FSC) includes fabrication for Cold Formed Products such as C-Channel, Electric Pole, Equal Angle, Floor Deck, Guard Rail, Lipped Channel, Hollow Section, and others.

Steel Service Center (SSC) provides a top-quality service for the manufacture and fabrication of steel with computerized systems synchronized with the latest technologies such as CNC Sawing Machine, CNC Drilling, Cutting, Punching, Bending Machine, Galvanizing Machine, Shot Blasting and others.

Gallery Pt Gunung Raja Paksi

Photos At Plate Mill Pt Gunung Raja Paksi 1 Tip

Reversing Cold Mill From Sms Group On Stream At Gunung Raja

Pt Gunung Raja Paksi

Gunung Raja Paksi Produksi 1 2 Juta Ton Baja Tahun Lalu

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Operator Cikarang Pt Gunung Raja

Perusahaan Baja Pt Gunung Raja Paksi Bakal Ipo Semester I

Real Time Engineering Pvt Ltd

Gunung Raja Paksi Siapkan Belanja Modal Rp 2 13 T Untuk

Gunung Steel Group Gsg Whistleblower Program

Masjid Nurul Hikmah Ii Pt Gunung Raja Paksi Mosque

Como Chegar Ate Masjid Nurul Hikmah Ii Pt Gunung Raja Paksi

Cikarang Indonesia

Indonesia S Gunung Raja Paksi Build Steel Plant With Chinese

Gunung Raja Paksi To Release 10 Shares In Upcoming Ipo

Ipo Saham Gunung Raja Paksi Oversubscribed 9 Kali

Project Brief Welcome To Blast Furnace 1 5 Mt Hm A Cikarang

Gunung Raja Paksi Oversubscribe 9 Kali Pasca Ipo Di Bursa Market Review Part 1

Kemampuan Sarana Produksi Dan Teknologi Industri Besi Dan Baja

Indonesia S Garuda Raja Paksi To Hold Ipo In September

Pt Gunung Raja Paksi Tbk Rajapaksitbk Twitter

Pt Gunung Raja Paksi Grp Random Email

Pt Gunung Raja Paksi Commissioned Its First Hot Rolled

Gunung Steel Group Gsg Whistleblower Program

Beranda Gunung Raja Paksi

Pt Gunung Raja Paksi Orders A Light Section Mill From Sms

Gunung Raja Paksi Lepas 1 24 Miliar Saham Republika Online

Photos At Masjid Nurul Hikmah Ii Pt Gunung Raja Paksi Mosque

Gunung Raja Paksi Pt Linkedin

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