Ayat Ayat Cinta 1
Pemeran Ayat Ayat Cinta Ternyata Sudah Menikah Dan Tujuh
Ayat-Ayat Cinta (2008) - IMDb
1 nomination. See more awards »
This is a love story. But not just a simple love story. It's about how to deal with the ups and downs of life's problems in the Islamic way. Fahri bin Abdillah is an Indonesian student trying to reach his master's degree in Al-Azhar. Fatigue with the dust of Egypt. Dwell with a variety of targets and simplicity of life. Persisting with being a translator of religious books. All Fahri's targets were enthusiastically excited except one: getting married. Fahri is an obedient man who is so straight. He does not know the courtship before marriage. He is less articulate when confronted with a creature named woman. There are very few women close to him all along. His grandmother, his mother and his sister. Moving to Egypt made that change. It was Maria Girgis. One flat neighbor who is a Coptic Christian but admire the Qur'an, and admire Fahri. Admiration turned into love. Unfortunately, Mary's love is only poured in the diary only. Then there is Nurul. The son of a famous kyai who also ... Written by Farhan Azhari Anwar
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10 Tahun Berlalu Intip Gaya Terkini 7 Pemain Ayat Ayat
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Sinopsis Dan Daftar Pemain Film Ayat Ayat Cinta 2 2017
Paket Novel Ayat Ayat Cinta 1 2 Original Habiburrahman El Shirazy Republika Buku Aac Asli
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Verses Of Love Ayat Ayat Cinta 2008 Hanung Bramantyo
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