Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2

Soal Uts Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 plus Kunci Jawaban

Berikut ini adalah contoh soal Ulangan Tengah Semester 2 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk adik-adik yang duduk di bangku Sekolah Dasar kelas 5.
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d ! I. The shape of bamboo is .... a. triangle b. rhombus c. sylinder d. rectangle 2. The shape of the coin is .... a. circle b. square c. oval d. cube 3. The shape of the blackboard is .... a. triangle b. circle c. rectangle d. trapeze 4.
This is a .... a. block b. cube c. cone d. rhombus 5. The shape of the ball is .... a. round b. circle c. cone d. oval 6. These vehicle can fly, except .... a. train b. boat c. helicopter d. jet plane 7. Vehicle which has three wheels is .... a. motorcycle b. pedicap c. car d. train 8. The vehicle which stops at the airport is .... a. bus b. ship c. plane d. train 9. Rano : " Who is driving a car?     Karno : .... a. farmer b. sailor c. pilot d. driver 10. The transportation which carries a lot of thing is .... a. car b. truck c. bicycle d. pedicap 11. We can see many .... in Tanjung Perak harbour. a. trains b.ships c. carriages d. helicopters 12.
He goes home by .... a. bus b. on foot c. bike d. train 13. A ship moves slowly, but it can carry .... of people. a. a few b. not many c. a little d. thousands 14. There are land transportation, except .... a. train b. plane c. bus d. motorcycle 15. A .... can reach a long distance in a few hours. a. plane b. car c. train d. bus 16. George : " How .... she go to Malang?      Michael : " She will go to Malang by plane. a. is b. does c. do d. could 17. If you sick, you should consume .... a. cake b. medicine c. juice d. bread 18. If we have a toothache, we should go to a .... a. oculist b. dentist c. patient d. nurse 19. We can buy medicine in the .... a. dispensary b. library c. market d. store 20. Shella drinks too much ice. Now she suffers from a .... a. headache b. cough c. eyeache d. toothache 21. Hendra can not hear well. He has an .... a. fever b. earache c. eyesore d. stomachache 22.
Boni never washes his hands before eating. Now he suffers from a .... a. cough b. flu c. headache d. stomachache 23. Someone who helps the doctor is a .... a. teacher b. secretary c. soldier d. nurse 24. We need .... to mail the letter. a. stamp b. bank c. coin d. letter 25. We go to the .... if want to mail a letter a. bank b. market c. post Office d. station 26. We have breakfast every .... a. night b. morning c. afternoon d. time 27. Give me a cup of . . . . a. rice b. cake c. bread d. tea 28. If we want to buy something we go to . . . . a. market b. cinema c. school d. mosque 29. Rudi always prays in the . . . a. cinema b. post office c. mosque d. garden 30. I am hungry I want to . . . . a. sleep b. eat c. drink d. read

II. Translate into English !

1. Rudi menggambar sebuah segitiga 2. Saya pergi sekolah naik sepeda 3. Kereta api adalah kendaraan panjang 4. Truk bisa membawa banyak barang 5. Afi Farma adalah nama apotek

III. Read the text carefully and answer the questions !

         Go To The Post Office This morning, Kevin and Reno will go to post office. Then, they go together. The post office is far from their home. The post office is located between the bank and the police station. There is a supermarket in front of the post office. Kevin wants to mail his letter to his friend. The name of Kevin's friend is Afis. Afis lives in Surabaya. Reno wants to buy some writing papers, envelopes, and stamps. He also wants to write a letter to his close friend in Jakarta. 1. Who will go to post office? 2. Where is the pos office located? 3. What is a front of the post office? 4. What is the name of Kevin's friend? 5. Why does Reno want to buy some writing papers, envelopes, and stamps ?

Download Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2

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Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

Kunci Jawaban Room I

1.c  2.a  3.c  4.b  5.a  6.b  7.b  8.c  9.d  10.b  11.b  12.b  13.d  14.b  15.a  16.b  17.b  18.b  19.a  20.b  21.b  22.d  23.d  24.a  25.c  26.b  27.d  28.a  29.c  30.b

Kunci Jawaban Room II

1. Rudi draws a triangle 2. I go to school by bicycle 3. Train is long vehicle 4. Truck can carry a lot of things 5. Afi Farma is the name of dispensary

Kunci Jawaban Room III

1. Kevin and Reno 2. The post office is located between the bank and the police station 3. a supermarket 4. The name of Kevin's friend is Afis 5. Because he also wants to write a letter to his close friend in Jakarta.
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