Al Ahzab Ayat 59
Al Ahzab Ayat 58 Irfan Ul Quran
Surah 33. Al-Ahzab, Ayat 1--1

1-3 Fear Allah and do not obey the unbelievers and hypocrites
4-5 By words of mouth neither your wives become your mothers nor adopted sons become your real sons
6-8 Prophet's wives are believers' mothers and Blood relations have greater claims than others in the Book of Allah
9-11 Favors of Allah during the battle of Trench
12-15 Attitude of the Hypocrites during the battle of Trench
16-20 Those who discourage others from participating in fight against the unbelievers and don't participate in such a war themselves have no faith and all their deeds will be void
21-24 The Life of Rasool Allah (Muhammad) is the best Model for you
25-27 Allah helped the Muslims to gain victory over the unbelievers and the Jewish tribes in Madinah and Khayber
28-30 Admonition to the wives of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
31-34 Allah's commandment to the wives of Prophet Muhammad
35-36 It is not fitting for believers to have option in what has been decided by Allah and His Rasool
37-40 Allah commanded Prophet Muhammad to marry the divorced wife of his adopted son Zaid and Muhammad is not the father of any of your men but a Rasool and Seal of the Prophethood
41-48 Prophet is sent as a bearer of good news, a Warner and a lamp spreading light
49-52 Divorce when no Iddat (waiting period for remarriage) is required and Special permission for Prophet Muhammad to marry more than four wives and Restriction on Prophet to marry or exchange the present wives after this commandment
53-55 Do not enter the houses of the Prophet without permission, and if invited do not seek long conversation and Do not marry Rasool's wives after his death
56-58 Allah Himself and His angels send blessings on the Prophet, O Believers invoke Allah's blessings for him
59-59 Commandment of Hijab (dress code) for women
60-62 Punishment for the Hypocrites and scandal mongers
63-68 In Hell the unbelievers shall ask double punishment for their leaders
69-73 O Believers! Fear Allah and always say the right thing and Heavens, Earth and Mountains refuse to take Allah's Trust but the Man took it
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